Romanian Mass Media
Where is Romania ?
Located in the East of Europe, Romania has the 9 th largest territory and the 7th largest population ( with 21.5 million people ) among the European Union member states. Its capital and largest city is Bucharest the 6th largest city in the EU with 1.9 million people. Official language is romanian. ROMANIA
Mass-media in Romania: looking in the past In the late 1980s, the media was still serving as propaganda, indoctrination, and disinformation tools to develop support for the regime's domestic and foreign policies and to consolidate Ceausescu's personal power. The system of media control was highly centralized and involved an interlocking group of party and state organizations, supervising bodies, and operating agencies, whose authority extended to all radio and television facilities, film studios, printing establishments, newspapers and book publishers.
The 1965 Constitution promised freedom of information, but expressed the reservation that it "cannot be used for aims hostile to the socialist system and to the interests of the working people.“ The most authoritative newspaper, Scînteia, was founded in 1931 as the official organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and in the late 1980s had by far the largest daily circulation. It was the outlet for party policy pronouncements and semiofficial government positions on national and international issues. After Scînteia, the most important daily was România Libera, established by the Socialist Unity Front in Although the paper featured items of national and international interest, it concentrated on local issues.
After 1960, recognizing the importance of radio as a medium for informing the public and molding attitudes, the regime launched a large- scale effort to build broadcasting facilities and manufacture receiving sets. The number of radio receivers increased from 2 million in 1960 to 3.2 million in Receivers and amplifiers that reached group audiences in public areas were installed throughout the country. In the 1980s, Romanian radio broadcast three programs on medium wave and FM. Until the mid-1980s, there were also six regional programs, with transmission in Hungarian, German, and Serbo- Croatian. Each week about 200 hours of broadcasts in thirteen languages were beamed to foreign countries by Radio Bucharest. RADIO
Since its inception in 1956, television broadcasting has been closely linked with radio as an increasingly important instrument of "propaganda and socialist education of the masses." Like radio, television operated under the supervision of the Council of Romanian Radio and Television, whose policy guidelines were received directly from the party apparatus Film production, distribution, and exhibition operated under the supervision of the Council for Socialist Culture and Education. There were two production studios--one in Bucharest that produced documentaries, newsreels, cartoons, and puppet films, and another in Buftea (near Bucharest) that made feature films TELEVISION
BACK TO OUR DAYS Today’s media in Romania is very diversified and full of color. We have over 30 television chanels and uncountless number of newspapers and magazines. The internet is also gaining it’s way, grewing from 3.6% usage in 2000 to 23.9% in 2007.
Main Television Chanels Main Radio Stations ProTV Europa FM Prima Kiss FM Antena1 Radio Guerrilla Acasa Pro FM OTV Radio Zu Tvr1 Radio 21 RealitateaRadio Romania Actualitati B1TV KanalD Antena3
From this televisions, TVR 1 and TVR 2 (Romanian Television Chanel 1 and 2) are public state owned chanels and the rest are private televisions, some of them having the same owner. The grafic was realised based on the number of persons whatching a television chanel per second.
The most read romanian newspapers