Libya flag
Libya officially the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, also translated as Socialist People's Libyan Arab Great Jamahiriya), is a country located in North Africa. Bordering the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Libya lies between Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad and Niger to the south, and Algeria and Tunisia to the west.North AfricaMediterranean SeaEgyptSudanChadNigerAlgeriaTunisia With an area of almost 1,800,000 square kilometres (694,984 sq mi), Libya is the fourth largest country in Africa by area, and the 17th largest in the world.The capital, Tripoli, is home to 1.7 million of Libya's 5.7 million people. The three traditional parts of the country are Tripolitania, Fezzan, and Cyrenaica. Libya has the highest HDI in Africa and the fourth highest GDP (PPP) per capita in Africa as of 2009, behind Seychelles, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. These are largely due to its large petroleum reserves and low population.Africalargest in the worldcapitalTripoliTripolitaniaFezzanCyrenaicahighest HDI in AfricaGDPPPPSeychellesEquatorial Guinea Gabonpetroleum The flag of Libya consists of a green field with no other characteristics. It is the only national flag in the world with just one color and no design, insignia, or other details.flag of Libyagreennational flag
Jews of Libya
Copyright: David Jessop
Dunes by frald
Tea time by sevysevy
Old House by John_F_KennedyJohn_F_Kennedy
Landscape by fraldifraldi
libya woman with her kid by ozkanabimozkanabim
leptis magna Libya by ozkanabimozkanabim leptis magna Libya by ozkanabimozkanabim
listening by robercolarobercola
Star trail by sevy sevy
Dromadaire by photilusphotilus
Sketching by neilharrisneilharris
Touareg by photilusphotilus
Reading under the stars by sevysevy
Warehouse Castle by John_F_KennedyJohn_F_Kennedy
Yardım by yetis_beyyetis_bey
Oum-el-Ma by photilusphotilus
Awbari by photilusphotilus
Lamine by photilusphotilus
Libya by teosteos
Sabratha by rhinorhino Sabratha
cool town by rhinorhino
Underground by John_F_KennedyJohn_F_Kennedy
Desert Lunch by Pilgrim2Pilgrim2
Leisure time in Tripoli by MoncefMoncef
Sabratha Theatre by John_F_Kennedy SabrathaJohn_F_Kennedy
Ghadames by John_F_KennedyJohn_F_Kennedy
Leptis magna by MoncefMoncef
Tripoli, a ship in the port by MoncefMoncef
*Oasis* by ErtanErtan
Berber House by John_F_KennedyJohn_F_Kennedy
Water Canal by John_F_KennedyJohn_F_Kennedy
Qasr El-Hedi by John_F_KennedyJohn_F_Kennedy
普雷切蒂 la sposa bambina by robercolarobercola Precetti by mwuerkmwuerk
S A H A R A * by cuneyt-sbcuneyt-sb
The essence (II) by StepanStepan
Night At Banhgazi by Ertan BanhgaziErtan
*Tripoli Night* by saylan-cbsaylan-cb
Tripoli Cafe by saylan-cbsaylan-cb
Sabratha #2 by logioslogios Kadaffi 37 years anniversary by magiqamagiqa
Temple of Zeus in Cyrene by Handsome07Handsome07
Sabratha theatre in field of flowers by Handsome07Handsome07
Tripoli Museum by plamnplamn
*Rush for Ramadan* by cuneyt-sbcuneyt-sb
The Mosque by logioslogios
RGBeige by ButrusButrus
The End