Socialist Republic of Vietnam Cong Hoa Xa Hoi Chu Nghia Viet Nam
Bordered by the South China Sea, China, Laos and Cambodia Vietnam is dominated by coastline, and two large rivers, the Red River in the North and the Mekong Delta in the South
Population 88 million
China ruled Vietnam for most of the period up through 938 when Vietnam became Independent Since then, Vietnam has been invaded by the Chinese, the Mongols, the French, the Japanese and the Americans Post WWII the country was partitioned and became a venue for the US- USSR/China Cold War. Vietnam was unified in 1975 under the North government of Ho Chi Minh
Religion: 80% None: religious affiliation identified 10% Buddhist (1999 census) Languages: Vietnamese, English, French, Thai, Muong, Hmong Museum of Ethnology
Vietnam Gross National Income per capita: $2,700 Literacy : 94%
Demographics by age: %<15 years: 25.2% %>65:5.5% Median Age : 27.8
Health Indicators for Vietnam Child Mortality: 24 per 1,000 live births Life Expectancy: 70/75 (m/f) Maternal Mortality: 56 per 100,000 Top Causes of Death: Heart Disease, Stroke, Repiratory Infections, Pneumonias, TB, Perinatal, Diabetes, Road Traffic accidents, Stomach Cancer, Diarrhea
Urbanization : 30% Expenditure on Health $214 per person per year (7.2% GDP) UN R/P 20% : 4.9 World Bank GINI Coefficient: 38% Status of women: poor-fair
When in Vietnam, please do not eat dogs?
Work hard, Have fun!