He hadn't eaten before doing his homework. Il n'avait pas mangé avant de faire ses devoirs. OF 24
I went shopping this morning; I had already done the laundry. J'ai fait du shopping ce matin ; j'avais déjà fait la lessive. OF 24
I had already left when you called. J'étais déjà sorti quand tu as téléphoné.
OF 24 When you arrive, he will already have done it. Quand tu arriveras, il l'aura déjà fait.
OF 24 We'll do it as soon as she arrives / has arrived. Nous le ferons aussitôt qu'elle sera arrivée.
OF 24 I will have finished by the time he comes. J'aurai terminé quand il viendra.
OF 24 I will call you as soon as I have an answer. Je vais t'appeler aussitôt que j'aurai eu une réponse.
OF 24 He left after having eaten. Il est parti après avoir mangé.
OF 24 I will reread the contract before signing it. Je relirai le contrat avant de le signer.
OF 24 I will make a decision before leaving. Je prendrai une décision avant de partir.
OF 24 She wants to check the list before I photocopy it. Elle veut vérifier la liste avant que je la photocopie.
OF 24 They turn off the lights before leaving. Ils éteignent les lumières avant de partir.
OF 24 I saw her as I was leaving. Je l'ai vue en sortant.
OF 24 He will send the document after having read it. Il enverra le document après l'avoir lu.