Russian Motherland
Russia is populated by 142 million people
About seventy-five per cent of the population of Russia is made up of people of Slavaic origin.
Before the October Socialist Revolution in 1917, Russia was ruled by tsars. Nowadays it is governed by President.
Officially, the white, blue and red flag was adopted as the official flag of Russia until the eve of the coronation of Nicholas II in. 1896, Emblem of Russia adopted on 6 December Officially, the white, blue and red flag was adopted as the official flag of Russia until the eve of the coronation of Nicholas II in. 1896, Emblem of Russia adopted on 6 December 1993.
On 9 May Victory Day is celebrated. This day marks the final surrender by Nazi Germany to the USSR in Wold War II. On 9 May Victory Day is celebrated. This day marks the final surrender by Nazi Germany to the USSR in Wold War II.
Moscow, the capital of Russia, which is populated by 11 million people, is Europe`s largest city.
Moscow is famous for its beautiful Underground. When the Metro first was opened, only 13 had been finished. Nowadays there are over 150 stations.
One of Moscow`s most famous monuments, a monument to Pushkin on Tverskaya Street. One of Moscow`s most famous monuments, a monument to Pushkin on Tverskaya Street.
The 264-metre «Triumph Palace» in Moscow is the tallest block of flats in Europe.
The presentation was done by the pupil of 10-th class The presentation was done by the pupil of 10-th class Leonid Toboev Leonid Toboev