AGENDA 1.Graduation Requirements 2.Course Planning 3.Programs for next year’s 9 th, 10 th, 11 th & 12 th graders 4.College admissions information 5.Questions
Graduation Requirements for Classes of Minimum of 140 total credits (1class= 5credits with a few exceptions) 2.5 credits in Financial Literacy 3.Pass PARCC assessments 4.Specific course requirements
Graduation Requirements HS Grad2 yr college4 yr college English20 credits Social Studies15 credits 15 credits + Math15 credits 15 credits + Science15 credits 15 credits + PE15 credits Fine Art/ Performing Art5 credits Health5 credits Computer5 credits Foreign Language5 credits 10 credits, preferred vs. College Requirements
As previously mentioned Financial Literacy is also required for graduation AND PARCC.
Meeting Credit Requirements The Course Guide is available online & answers most questions. Click on Program Planning Guide on the high school website in the guidance section.Program Planning Guide Parents/Guardians need to look closely at their student’s graduation requirements.
Course Planning Course selection due in guidance : February 13 th. Tip for incoming 9 th grade students – Plan all 4 years together – not one year in isolation. Student and parent signature as well as pertinent contact information is required. Choose alternates for elective.
Scheduling Priorities Each student must register for eight classes, keeping in mind the following priorities: Graduation Requirements (See Course Guide) Future Plans College Vocational training Military Employment options Interests and Abilities When students sign up for courses, they are committing to staying in the class. Changing electives may not be an option.
Sample Course Selection Sheet
English Offerings. Gr. 9 English LA 1English 1Honors English 1 Gr. 10 English LA 2English 2Honors English 2 Gr. 11 English 3Honors English 3 Gr. 12English 4AP Literature AP Comp Additional English electives can be found in the Planning Guide.
History Offerings. Gr. 9 World HistoryHonors World History Gr. 10 US 1Hon. US 1AP US 1 Gr. 11 US 2Hon. US 2AP US 2 Gr. 12 ( Gr. 11&12) Electives
Math Offerings. Gr. 9 Integrated Alg 1Alg.1Alg. 2 Hon. Alg. 2 Gr. 10 Integrated Alg 2Alg. 2Geo. Hon. Geometry Gr. 11 Integrated Geo.Geo.Pre-Calc Hon. Geo.Hon. Pre-Calc. Gr. 12 Alg.2 Pre-CalcCalc/ AP Calc/ AP Stat Hon. Alg. 2
Science Offerings. Gr. 9Biology/ Honors Biology Gr. 10 Conceptual Physics/Contemporary Science Gr. 11 Chemistry/Honors Chemistry/AP Chem. Gr. 12Honors Physics/ Human Anatomy/ AP Biology-ELECTIVES
Honors Courses Honors classes are offered in grades 9-12 Designed for students who want a challenge and possess high level academic skills. Subjects include: –English 9, 10,11 –World History, US History, World Language levels 3 & 4, Science, Math, Early Childhood
Electives Electives are available in each of the major disciplines. For example: Social Studies electives include: Sociology, Psychology, African American History, Law and Government
Advanced Placement AP Classes – national curriculum, highly challenging, require much more work than regular courses AP Exam given on national date for all students (fee) grades of 3-5 may earn college credit (varies by college) AP Offerings at G.H.S. – AP Comp AP Euro AP BiologyAP Calculus (AB and BC) AP Literature AP History 1& 2AP Statistics AP Chemistry Students should think carefully about committing to multiple AP courses…
Honors and Advanced Placement Why? Greater depth of studies Intellectually exciting class discussions Develop self-directed learning skills Prepare for college-level course work Improved Writing Skills Show academic rigor for college apps Potentially earn college credit
What our students are saying about Honors and AP… “You must be disciplined.” “You cannot procrastinate.” “Be prepared if you weren’t in honors last year to receive lower grades. It’s a huge jump in the amount of work and the level of difficulty” (this came from a student in general English last year). “Be willing to get teacher help early on.” “Time management is crucial.” “Not one night assignments anymore—have to have a schedule and plan” (you have a month where you are working on several projects at once). “Don’t take it just to have it look good on your transcript—you have to want it.”
Honors and Advanced Placement Successful AP & Honors students… Pay close attention to detail Have strong listening, reading & writing skills Are strong test takers Good independent analytical essay writers under time pressure Willingly take on the risk & challenge Participate actively in class discussions Enjoy the analytical process Manage time well & show initiative
College Information
4-Year College/University Admissions Process Criteria on which students are reviewed: 1.GPA Calculated at the end of junior year 2.SAT/ACT test scores 3.Core Course entrance requirements 4.Rigor of Coursework: including senior year! 5.Co-Curricular Activities/Special Considerations 6.Essays/Personal Statements
College Applications & GHS Counselors Most college applications include a form for school counselors to fill out. We may have to rank your student against the average applicant on: Rigor of course selection Academic achievement Extracurricular accomplishments Personal qualities & character Potential for growth Initiative Creativity Respect from peers &/or faculty Etc.
College Placement Exams PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary SAT) Fall of Soph./Jr. Year ACT (through Algebra 2) Spring of Jr. Year( latest) SAT Reasoning Test (thru Alg. 2) Spring of Jr. Year (latest) SAT Subject Tests (only a few select colleges require this. AP classes are great preparation for SAT Subject test) Students are responsible for knowing when & how to sign up, pay the fees, and for sending & managing their score reports.
Guidance Department Contacts