Spring Semester Registration By Michele Martinez Early Registration begins: Honors Students & Athletes: In progress 10 or more hours: Oct 1st 9 or less hours: Oct 3rd
Withdrawal Withdrawal ends Fri, October 18 If you are not passing or doing very poorly in a course, you should withdraw If you are considering withdrawing, you need to see Michele Withdrawals can affect financial aid & immigration Excessive Ws look bad for med school
AP Credit Anyone with AP credit – this will be posted by the end of the fall term I contacted people over the summer who I had AP credit for, if you have AP credit and I didn’t contact you, see Michele If you have AP credit in a course that is strategically located on the flowchart, see Michele before you register for Spring
Registration To register on the web, see handout Highly recommended To register by phone, call InTouch at (off-campus) Ext (on-campus) To register in person, go to registrar’s office in 1579 rocket hall
Spring Schedule MATH 1860/MATH 1930 (4) CHEM 1240/Honors (4) CHEM 1280 (1) PHYS 2130 (5) BIOE 1200 (3) Total Hours: 17
Spring Schedule (4 year plan) MATH 1860/MATH 1930 (4) CHEM 1240/Honors (4) CHEM 1280 (1) PHYS 2130 (5) BIOE 1200 (3) BIOE 1010 (1) Total Hours: 18
Registration Tips Physics: You must register for a LAB and a LECTURE section Math: Sections 30, 31, 32, etc. are (or used to be?) Maple sections Sections 995 or similar are on line courses Sections 800 are for ESL courses
Honors Info You do not take HON 1020 until junior or senior year depending on your plan Need 33 Honors hours 6 hours: HON 1010 & HON hours: General, most honors BIOEs take all their Math honors 10 hours: BIOE 1000 (2), BIOE 3500 (3), BIOE 4410 & 4420 (6)
Pre-Med Info Any BIOE student can graduate with a Pre- Med concentration Only requirement for Pre-Med concentration is Organic Chemistry I & II with labs These courses count as Tech Electives Students w/ GPA > 3.5 after Fall semester and are interested in the accelerated 4 year Pre-Med plan should contact Michele
HUM/SOC SCI/MC Electives Need 15 hours (includes Double Dip) 2 Humanities 2 Social Science 1 MC Diversity of US 1 MC Non-western Check with Michele to make sure you are taking the right ones!
Minors Business: 6 additional courses One of the most popular minors MIME 2600 can double as a tech elective Chemistry: Organic Chem I & II & labs & 4 more hrs Premed: 4 additional hours Math: 4 more courses (11 more hours)
Combined programs M.B.A. Minor in Business plus an economics course (MIME 2600 does not count) 3.0 or better Law School 3.4 or better Score above 50th percentile on LSAT No felonies, academic suspensions, etc.
Co-ops BS/MD students, athletes, band, ROTC students are on Plan C (Summer) Plan C students should register for BIOE 1010 Professional Development in Spring 2003 Students starting in Trig/College Algebra or CHEM 1090 are on Plan B (Spring) Everyone else – you will learn your plan in January 2003