The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act-2005 was notified by Government of India on September 7, The basic objective of MGNREGA is to enhance livelihood security in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed employment in a financial year to the rural household. This Act is a milestone towards realisation of right to work. In Orissa, this scheme was launched in Dhenkanal District on 2nd February,2006 by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Orissa in village Nadiali under Sadar Block. MAHATMA GANDHI NATIONAL RURAL EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEE SCHEME (MGNREGS)
Performance under MGNREGS during Sl. No. AchievementUpto March-2010 Physical Achievement 1.House Hold Registered since inception (in lakh) Job card issued to Households since inception (in lakh) Number of Bank / Postal account opened (in lakh) Employment demanded by households (in lakh) Employment provided to nos. of households (in lakh) Total person days generated (in lakh) Person days generated by women (in lakh) Number of disabled persons benefited51 9.Person days generated by S.C Households (in lakh) Person days generated by S.T Households (in lakh) days completed household (in Nos.) Unemployment Allowance paid (in Rupees)Nil
Financial Achievement 13.Total Funds Available (Rs. in lakh) (OB + Release during the year) Total Expenditure (Rs. in lakh) Expenditure of Total Funds Available (%)102% 16.Balance Amount(-) Wage Material Ratio57:43 18.Wage per persondays (in Rupees) Expenditure per persondays (in Rupees)158.11
Work Status 20.No. of Project taken up Completed904 Farm Pond and Water bodies 22.Farm Ponds Target (in No.) Farm Ponds taken up (in No.) Farm Ponds completed (in No.) Farm Ponds expenditure (Rs. in lakh) Identification of Village tank Village tank taken up (Nos.) Village tank completed (Nos.) Village tank expenditure (Rs. in lakh) Rural Connectivity 30.Taken up Completed Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)
Line Department – M.I. 33.Funds released (Rs. in lakh)Nil 34.T.F.A (Rs. in lakh) Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)31.60 Line Department – Irrigation 36.Funds released (Rs. in lakh) T.F.A (Rs. in lakh) Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)63.12 Line Department – Agriculture 39.Funds released (Rs. in lakh) T.F.A (Rs. in lakh) Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)71.25 Line Department – Forest 42.Funds released (Rs. in lakh) T.F.A (Rs. in lakh) Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)92.95 Line Department – Sericulture 45.Funds released (Rs. in lakh) T.F.A (Rs. in lakh) Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)7.45
BLOCK-WISE PHYSICAL & FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT Sl No Name of the Block No. of projects Financial Achievement (Rs. in Lakh) No.of families compl. 100 days Taken up Comple ted Funds available Expenditure incurred SADAR GONDIA ODAPADA HINDOL BHUBAN K.NAGAR KANKADAHAD PARAJANG TOTAL