“A HERO” Hebrews 2:10 – 18
1. Honorable “hon-or-a-ble, adj. 1. in accordance with principles of honor; upright: an honorable man” (Webster’s Dictionary). 1 Peter 2:22 – 23 Philippians 4:8
2. Excellence “ex-cel-lent, adj., 1. possessing excellence; remarkably good” (Webster’s). Philippians 1:9 – 11
3. Responsible “re-spon-si-ble, adj. 1. answerable or accountable, as for something within one’s power or control” (Webster’s). Philippians 2:5 – 11
4. Opportunity “op-por-tune, adj. 1. appropriate or favorable: an opportune moment. 2. timely: an opportune warning” (Webster’s). Galatians 6:10 2 Corinthians 5:21 – 6:1 – 2 (Isaiah 49:8)
This Is A Golden Opportunity This Morning… To Become A Christian Hear Him (Romans 10:17) Believe Him (Mark 16:16) Repent Of Sins Against Him (Acts 2:38) Confess Him (Acts 8:37) Be Baptized Into Him (Acts 22:16) Live For Him (Galatians 2:20) To Be Restored As An Erring Christian Come Back To Him (Matthew 11:28-30) Repent (Acts 8:22) Pray (James 5:16)