SPD interacting with the members of CIG
DETAILES OF CIGs No. Of CIGs formed 354 No. Of CIGs approved 354 Sanctioned subproject for CIGs 277 No. Of benefited CIGs (financed) 172
Distribution of CIG Members according to Category Total CIGs Formed 354 SC49% OBC30% GENERAL20% ST1% TOTAL100%
Details of Benefited CIGs according to Activity.
AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED ActivitiesNo. Land Based(Agriculture) 09 Dairy16 Livestock(Goatory,Sheep Rearing) 47 Total72
NON FARM ACTIVITY (73%) ActivitiesNo. Quilting19 Embroidery06 Tent07 Infrastructure50 Social Services 15 Ohers03 Total100
Preparation, Sanction, Implementation of Sub-Projects Duration (in days) Average time taken for preparation Average time taken for sanction of projects Average time taken for group contribution Average time taken for transfer of funds to CIG account Average time taken for acquisition of asset 30-40
CIG PERFORMANCE Earning a net income % of groups Rs per month 08% Rs % Rs % Rs % No income 40% Linked to the market 02%
Group members who lost their asset % Through Sale 00 Death00 Other reasons 00
Capacity Building of CIGs %Duration ( in days) Orientation Training Skill Building Training to 180 EMD5002 Groups linked to bank credit 5%
INSURANCE No. of Groups who insured their assets 60 No. of claims filed 10 No. of claims disbursed 10 Pending00
Group Name Village Name Activity LaxmiRamdeoraTailoring MahalaxmiDepalsarTailoring Mahila Chetna ParsaneuEmbriodery AdarshPayaliEmbriodery LaxmiJaleuEmbriodery RamdeojiRamdeoraDairy Sri Krishna Rampura Baas Dairy Sri Ganesh Satada Tent House Jai Bhim PabusarGoatery AshokaGhanghuGoatery SUCCESS GROUPS
LESSONS The Group strengthening process takes a time of 2 years and enormous effort. The Group strengthening process takes a time of 2 years and enormous effort. In the Drought affected area like Churu, collecting group contribution is very tough and due to it the progress gets slow. In the Drought affected area like Churu, collecting group contribution is very tough and due to it the progress gets slow. Agriculture and allied activities should be encouraged. Agriculture and allied activities should be encouraged. A lot of changes in the laws retards the progress of the project. A lot of changes in the laws retards the progress of the project.