Achieving Adequate Yearly Progress for Students with Disabilities As Presented By: Dr. Frances Stetson and Condensed by Rosey Solis-Guerra
NCLB All children should have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.All children should have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
Goals Close the achievement gapClose the achievement gap Challenge ALL studentsChallenge ALL students Equity! No excellence without Equity!Equity! No excellence without Equity! Reflective Question: Are you a good teacher to ALL students?
Tool #1: Shared Ownership is Non-Negotiable We need to be responsible for ALL studentsWe need to be responsible for ALL students “My students” – “Your students”“My students” – “Your students” Special ed students do not belong to the special ed teachers, football players do not belong to the coaches, etc.Special ed students do not belong to the special ed teachers, football players do not belong to the coaches, etc.
Tool #2: Same, Not Separate Curriculum “The IEP for each child with a disability must address how the child will be involved and progress in the general curriculum.”“The IEP for each child with a disability must address how the child will be involved and progress in the general curriculum.” (a) (1) (2) IDEA, 1997
Tool #2 – cont. Accommodations Vs. Modifications ACCOMMODATION: A change made in teaching or testing to provide students with access to information and create an equal opportunity to demonstrate knowledge. MODIFICATION: A change in WHAT the students is expected to learn or demonstrate.
Tool #4: Differentiated Instruction Differentiated Instruction is a set of decisions that the educator makes to bring learning within the reach of each student.
Tool #5 Self Responsibility for Learning Evaluate process skills that facilitate student access to knowledge: note taking, writing short essay answers, test taking skills, preparing a book report, organizing materials for learning, preparing a project notebook, etc.Evaluate process skills that facilitate student access to knowledge: note taking, writing short essay answers, test taking skills, preparing a book report, organizing materials for learning, preparing a project notebook, etc. If there are obvious deficiencies in process skills among students, address the problem early in the year!If there are obvious deficiencies in process skills among students, address the problem early in the year!
Tool #6: Collaborative Staffing for Increased Options Collaborate with ALL colleagues (spec. ed., resource, math, science, etc.)Collaborate with ALL colleagues (spec. ed., resource, math, science, etc.) The team must be concerned with student success rather than adult issuesThe team must be concerned with student success rather than adult issues Student issue Vs. Adult Issues