No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Parental Notification Amy-Lee Baptiste, Nancy Barry, Katie Hagan
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Schools are required to provide information and notices to parents in a format and language parents can understand.
Parental Notification Requirements Areas Teacher Qualifications Teacher Qualifications Academic Achievement Academic Achievement Student Surveys Student Surveys Homeless Children Homeless Children
Teacher Qualifications School districts receiving Title 1 funds must notify parents about the right to request information about the qualification of their child’s teacher and paraprofessionals.
Teacher Qualifications o must be highly qualified o Certified to teach in their content areas o Paraprofessional must also meet specific requirements
Student Achievement Title 1 schools must notify parents about their child’s performance on state assessments.
Parental Notification Methods o mail printed reports o Parent meetings at school o home visits o State websites: o
Schools Identified for Improvement Title 1 Schools that fail to meet AYP for 2 years in a row must notify parents that the school is in school improvement.
Parent Notification Requirements o Parents have option to transfer their child to another public school o May receive extra education support for their child o Explanation of what district and state will do to help school
Other Areas of Parental Notification o Military recruiters o Directory Information o Student surveys
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