1 The Federal No Child Left Behind Act and the Financial Impact on Manchester Public Schools Fiscal Year
2 Determining Cost No Child Left Behind Cost analysis relied on both objective data and professional judgment. These results should be viewed as cost estimates not precise numbers.
3 Determining Cost No Child Left Behind Costs were divided into nine broad categories reflecting the requirements of No Child Left Behind
4 Determining Cost No Child Left Behind The following data was used to determine costs: Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Materials Vendor Contracts
5 Determining Cost No Child Left Behind Ensure Highly Qualified Staff: Teachers and Paraprofessionals –Collect and maintain staff data to meet the mandates of NCLB –Provide professional development to ensure that all staff members become highly qualified –Respond to State Department of Education data collection regarding status of teachers and paraprofessionals to be in compliance with NCLB
6 Determining Cost No Child Left Behind Parent Involvement and Notification –Develop and disseminate district and school parental involvement policies –Prepare information on teacher/paraprofessional qualifications for parents
7 Determining Cost No Child Left Behind Adequate Year Progress (AYP) Responsibilities –Disseminate school AYP accountability reports to all parents in Title I Schools –Develop and maintain database to include the proficiency levels required –Develop and implement written parental involvement policies
8 Determining Cost No Child Left Behind Responsibilities for Schools Identified for Improvement –Develop school improvement plans to include all NCLB components –Implement components of school improvement plans –Reassign and hire additional reading and math coaches and mentors for schools in need of improvement
9 Determining Cost No Child Left Behind Assess English Language Learners (ELLs) for English Language Proficiency –Identify English Language Learns exempt from state reading test –Assess English language proficiency –Purchase and score test –Analyze and report data to State Department of Education
10 Determining Cost No Child Left Behind Provide Public School Choice –Inform parents of their rights regarding public school choice –Work with sending/receiving schools –Arrange and provide transportation –Hire and reassign staff
11 Determining Cost No Child Left Behind Provide Supplemental Educational Services (SES) –Identify students who qualify –Inform parents of Supplement Educational Services –Collect, analyze and report student data to State Department of Education
12 Determining Cost No Child Left Behind Curriculum and Assessment –Expand standardized assessment to include Grades 3, 5, 7 and science –Develop curriculum reflecting the new State Department of Education grade-level standards aligned with the new generation of assessments –Implement new testing requirements for students with disabilities and arrange for testing of these students with expanded accommodations
13 Determining Cost No Child Left Behind Additional overall NCLB Requirements –Upgrade information collection software and student data management systems –Collect and report data suspension and expulsion information and provide student records and transcripts –Ensure nonpublic participation –Implement evaluation requirements as required by State Department of Education
14 Cost Analysis Category 1: Ensure Highly Qualified Staff: Teachers and Paraprofessionals $174,047 Category 2: Parent Involvement and Notification $31,241
15 Cost Analysis Category 3: Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Responsibilities $56,648 Category 4: Responsibilities for Districts with Schools Identified for Improvement (Title I and non-Title I) $90,086
16 Cost Analysis Category 5: Assess ELLs for English Language Proficiency $48,247 Category 6: Provide Public School Choice $10,434 Category 7: Provide Supplemental Educational Services $5,179
17 Cost Analysis Category 8: Curriculum and Assessment $488,700 Category 9: Overall NCLB Requirements $271,065 TOTAL$1,175,648