Bilingual Education Programs Student diversity
Scenario You are the principal. What would you do? Would you investigate the club? What advice would you give? Is this matter of diversity overemphasized? Should people just be people?
Hoy & Hoy Chapter 2 American society has become increasing culturally diverse. This chapter presents information about the relationship among culture, language, and learning. Culturally inclusive classrooms are free of racism prejudice, and provide equal educational opportunities
Lau v. Nichols- Supreme Court 1978 Court ruled that not educating Chinese children violated the Fourteenth Amendment (Equal Protection Amendment) Court did not tell how it was to be done 1984 Ninth Circuit- The Civil Rights Law did not require that all courses, instructional materials, instructors, be bilingual.
NCLB Requires that each state create an accountability plan that includes the implementation of academic and performance standards for all students. States are also required to show that ELLs are progressing in their proficiency of the English language by meeting annual measurable achievement objectives (AMAOs) (NCLB, § 3122 (b)(2001).
Based on NCLB accountability Defined as the requirement of states to assess student knowledge of the state standards, improve performance on state assessments, and apply sanctions to districts and schools that fail to progress sufficiently in order to receive Federal aid. Accountability, as it is specifically related to ELLs, means the inclusion of all ELLs and former ELLs in assessments on state content and achievement standards and their increased visibility in accountability systems to improve their instruction and achievement (U.S. Department of Education, 2007).
Florida META Consent Decree There are approximately 227,000 students in Florida who are English Language Learners (ELLs), speaking 299 different languages.
Bureau of Student Achievement through Language Acquisition (SALA) To assist schools and districts, while ensuring that students receive comprehensible instruction. In addition, the bureau of SALA monitors schools and districts for compliance with State and Federal rules, regulations, the 1990 League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) et al. v. the State Board of Education (SBE) Consent Decree, and the 2003 Modification of the Consent Decree.
The links on this page provide information about ELLs and services available to them.
Florida Meta Consent Decree http://www. fldoe Legal Issues and ESOL, Peter Roos, Esq Activities for ESL students Everything ESL net
Scenario B The Meta Consent Decree is an agreement between League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC); et al vs. Florida Board of Education, et al. This agreement discusses the educational rights of language minority students. The Consent Decree describes provisions for the education of these students and has had far reaching effect on educational systems in Florida.
Activity 3: B. Scenario Meta Consent Decree Standards and Procedures As the school administrator, identify the standards and procedures applicable to the Meta Consent Decree.
Group tasks Review the Meta Consent Decree for information about standards and procedures 1. Write a summary of the Meta Consent Decree standards and procedures that are to be used to support appropriate instruction for English language learners (ELLs). 2. Search the websites listed to locate and identify a. Diagnostic tools appropriate for assessing student learning needs and b. Appropriate instructional strategies to improve student performance 3. List the assessment tools and list the procedures that will be used to support the ELLs academic needs.
Example table: Meta Consent Decree Standards and Procedures Diagnostic tools appropriate for assessing student learning needs Appropriate instructional strategies to improve student performance