Drummond Montessori Magnet School Budget School Year
What does the LSC approve? “The entire school budget” The entire school budget includes: – General Educational Fund Oracle Fund #115 – Categorical Funds Supplemental General State Aid (SGSA) – Oracle Fund #225 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) – Oracle Fund #332 (Most staff positions are allotted by CPS and are not subject to LSC approval. Whew!)
The “Entire School Budget” for Drummond, 2009, is really just made up of the following: FundFund Description Budget Allocation Distributed Amount Remaining Amount 115General Education Fund 13,103 0* 225SGSA93,34584,6568, NCLB NCLB30, ,152 TOTAL137,33698,70738,629
The “Entire School Budget” for Drummond, 2009, is really just made up of the following: FundFund Description Budget Allocation Distributed Amount Remaining Amount 115General Education Fund 13,103 0* 225SGSA93,34584,6568, NCLB NCLB30, ,152 TOTAL137,33698,70738,629 General Fund dollars can be amended. The preliminary distribution is established by CPS.
The “Entire School Budget” for Drummond, 2009, is really just made up of the following: FundFund Description Budget Allocation Distributed Amount Remaining Amount 115General Education Fund 13,103 0* 225SGSA93,34584,6568, NCLB NCLB30, ,152 TOTAL137,33698,70738,629 New SGSA distribution is based on last year’s purchases. Distributed amount provides for two 0.5 positions.
The “Entire School Budget” for Drummond, 2009, is really just made up of the following: FundFund Description Budget Allocation Distributed Amount Remaining Amount 115General Education Fund 13,103 0* 225SGSA93,34584,6568, NCLB NCLB30, ,152 TOTAL137,33698,70738,629 NCLB Parent Pact dollars are distributed by the NCLB committee for parent involvement.
The “Entire School Budget” for Drummond, 2009, is really just made up of the following: FundFund Description Budget Allocation Distributed Amount Remaining Amount 115General Education Fund 13,103 0* 225SGSA93,34584,6568, NCLB NCLB30, ,152 TOTAL137,33698,70738,629 These NCLB funds come to us from free and reduced lunch. This is a one time rollover offer. Free and reduced enrollment has dropped from 74% a few years ago to 52% currently. Once the figure falls below 55%, no NCLB funds will be awarded with the exception of this one time rollover.
General Education Fund (115) The portion of the general education fund that includes personnel positions is established by CPS based on “quota position entitlement.” The LSC must only approve a portion of the general fund “nonpersonnel allocations.” These have been set forth by CPS in a preliminary budget; thus they are “distributed”.
Drummond’s preliminary GENERAL EDUCATION NONPERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS DescriptionAmount Textbooks$9,043 Supplies$2,200 Equipment$369 Furniture$1,491 Equipment Repairs*$1,093 TOTAL$14,196 *This line item is mandated by CPS and cannot be revised. It covers maintenance on electrical infrastructure.
Quota Position Entitlement Quota CategoryQuota from Projections Total classroom teachers7.0 Elementary PE and Librarians (0.5 each)1.0 Elementary art and music0.5 Elementary counselors1.0 Elementary special ed teachers2.0 Elementary special ed aides1.0 Elementary clerks1.0
Other Positions PositionFunding Source# of positions Bi-Lingual TeacherState1.0* E.C. Teacher assistants3.0 E1 Teacher assistants2.0 Montessori directorO.A.E.1.0 *Pending re-assessment of bi-lingual enrollment.
Discretionary Funds These funds will be described in the SIPPAAA Fund NumberFund DescriptionAllocation 225SGSA$8, NCLB$ NCLB$29,152 TOTAL$38,629