Educational Policies Present Zachary Schrage
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) O Implementation of state standards O Proficiency in Math and Reading O No federal funding for schools that don’t make adequate yearly progress (AYP)
Did NCLB Work? Pros Cons Minimal gains Teaching to the test Uniform accountability Rigidness Increase in funding State’s rights issues
Cartoons from
Race to the Top O Something New? O President Obama’s focus O Merit Pay O Teacher Competency O School Choice
What is Merit Pay? O Earning a raise based on performance O Two criteria O Teacher Evaluation O Student Performance
Merit Pay O Why merit pay won't work Why merit pay won't work O Does not mention socioeconomic differences.
Teacher Competency O Competency test on knowledge of content O Substance Vs. Pedagogy O Teacher Failure
School Choice O Georgia H.B Parents can send their kids to any school regardless of student achievement O Creates Competition O Problems?