1 Developing “New Era” IEPs Using IDEA 2004 and NCLB Education Law Center November 10,
2 Overview What is a “New Era” IEP? How do I create a “New Era” IEP for my child? Road Map for Parents: Information Strategies Tools
3 Evaluations Services Prior to Identification Eligibility for Special Education Identifying Students with a Specific Learning Disability
4 Services Prior to Identification An LEA may use up to 15% of IDEA 2004 funds for “early intervening services”: Academic and Behavioral Support Professional Development Educational and Behavioral Evaluations, Services, Supports Literacy Instruction
5 Eligibility for Special Education Two-Part Test: Child has legally identified disability; and Because of that disability, child requires special education and related services Screening by teacher or specialist to determine appropriate instructional strategies is not considered evaluation for eligibility TOOL 1
6 Identifying Students with a Specific Learning Disability School Districts are no longer required to use a severe discrepancy model May use Response to Intervention (RTI) as part of the evaluation procedures TOOL 2
7 Developing Academic Goals within the General Curriculum Curriculum, Pacing Guides & Lesson Plans PA Academic Standards PA Assessment Anchors
8 PA Academic Standards NCLB: State Defined Academic Standards PA: Chapter 4 TOOL 3
9 PA Assessment Anchors NCLB: Statewide Student Assessment PA: PSSA PA Assessment Anchors TOOL 4
10 Curriculum, Pacing Guides & Lesson Plans District Approved Curriculum Individual School Curriculum Individual Class Curriculum Pacing Guides Lesson Plans
11 Developing Goals Outside of the General Curriculum Pre-K and K Standards Alternate Academic and Achievement Standards Behavioral, Emotional, and Social Skill Development
12 Pre-K and K Standards Early Learning Standards (Pre-K) Early Childhood Regulations (proposed) Standards for Kindergarten (draft) TOOL 5
13 Alternate Academic and Achievement Standards Alternate Academic Standards Alternate Achievement/Performance Standards (proposed) Reading and Mathematics PASA TOOL 6
14 Behavioral, Emotional and Social Skill Development Curriculum Aligned with Standards Positive Behavior Supports: Schoolwide and/or Programwide Individualized for the Student Social Skill Development TOOL 7
15 Other Factors that Support Meaningful Educational Progress Researched Based Practices Highly Qualified Teachers and Paraprofessionals Parent Involvement
16 Research Based Practices Programs and Practices Grounded in Scientifically Based Research Teaching Methodologies Reliable Evidence Peer-Reviewed TOOL 8
17 Highly Qualified Teachers and Paraprofessionals “Highly Qualified” Requirements Core Academic Subjects Special Education Teachers Paraprofessionals TOOL 9 TOOL 10
18 Education in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) IDEA 2004 LRE Mandate PA: Oberti Test PA: Gaskin Settlement TOOL 11
19 Pulling It All Together IEP Checklist with IDEA 2004 and NCLB Guidance TOOL 12 Sample Annotated IEPs: ELC: With NCLB-Geared Questions PDE: State Developed for IDEA 2004 TOOL 13