DOE Update Regional Reading Academy October 29, 2005 Lezlie Cline, Program Director Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services Florida Department of Education
What are the driving forces for education in Florida? NCLB IDEA Reauthorization Just Read, FL! K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plans Reading First 3 rd grade promotion/retention criteria High School graduation requirement FCAT AYP School Grades
What does the data show? … related to FCAT reading participation and performance for students with disabilities …
What’s new with Reading First? Florida was awarded $300 million over a six year period! In , Reading First grants will impact approximately 16,114 teachers and 264,254 students in 657 schools within 45 school districts. The most important thing for districts to do is to prioritize funding to the Level 1 and 2 students in the district
Reading First Grants to Districts Reading First grants provide resources to districts to improve reading instruction and achievement by providing funding to: hire reading coaches to serve as a stable resource for professional development, progress monitoring, and student data analysis provide professional development improve classroom libraries for grades K-3
DISTRICTS READING FIRST Alachua County School District — $623,041 Escambia County School District — $4,790,520 Broward County School District — $1,874,900 Hamilton County School District — $74,552 Heartland Consortium (Highlands, Okeechobee)- $422,200 Lake County School District — $644,342 Lee, Charlotte and Collier County School Districts — $1,530,400 Miami-Dade County School District — $11,603,480 North East Florida Education Consortium (Flagler) — $160,500 Orange County School District — $1,188,600 Palm Beach County School District — $3,185,400 Panhandle Area Education Consortium (Holmes, Jackson, Madison) — $180,400 Pinellas County School District — $1,045, RF districts + additional schools for NEW districts
What are the requirements related to reading in Florida?
District Reading Plans Must include: Leadership Commitment Professional Development Plan Elementary Plan Middle School Plan High School Plan
Elementary Requirements Comprehensive Core Reading Program 90 minute uninterrupted reading block Data driven instruction K-3 federal component of Just Read, Florida!
Comprehensive Core Reading Program Instructional Content Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Instructional Design Explicit Instructional Strategies Coordinated Instructional Sequences Ample Practice Opportunities Aligned Student Materials
90 Minute Reading Block Characteristics of 90 Minute Reading Block 90 minutes of uninterrupted reading instruction Whole group initial instruction implementing the CCRP Differentiated instruction driven by assessment data Immediate Intensive Intervention (more time, smaller group, targeted instruction) driven by assessment data (frequent progress monitoring measures)
Senate Bill 364 Creation of three-tiered academic support plan for students with reading deficiencies Establishment of Intensive Acceleration Class (IAC)
Intensive Acceleration Class Tier Three students: retained 2 times in 3rd grade & score at Level 1 on reading portion of FCAT Must involve participation of SLP in providing intensive language and vocabulary instruction
What is the role of the speech-language pathologists in providing reading instruction?
Administration & Interpretation Aiding in determining strengths & weaknesses -critical in developing goals and activities Assessment
Remediation Possible methods of involvement Direct services to students in ESE Involvement with non-ESE students in general education classrooms (including IAC) Co-teaching Support Facilitation Consultation – likely to be frequent method used
Honig, Diamond, Gutlohn (2000). Vocabulary Development Can be supported by: Explicitly teaching words & concepts Teaching strategies to learn new words independently Providing multiple exposures to words Encouraging independent reading The amount of reading that students do is directly related to the size of their vocabulary
Other Roles Participation in planning and implementing parent involvement component Distributing information to families Planning and/or conducting workshops Participating in public awareness activities Provide teacher workshops
Secondary Requirements Middle Grades Reform Act passed in 2004 (PMSSP) High School Reform is on the legislative docket for 2006.
Middle School Reading Requirements Level 1 and Level 2 in middle school Differentiated intensity for all
High School Reading Requirements Reading classes for students scoring at Level 1 in high school Ways to serve students scoring at Level 2 in high school Core classes Elective classes Creating additional time by blocking reading with another class
Research-Based Reading Classroom K-12 Averages (Guthrie, 2002) Which factors affect FCAT reading scores?
Research-Based Reading Classroom Which components should we focus on?
Reading Next: A Vision for Action and Research in Middle and High School Literacy Alliance for Excellent Education
NCLB deadline July 1, 2006 … must have reading endorsement or reading certification if teaching a reading class to students in grades 7-12
Things to consider Qualifications of the SLP: What is his/her knowledge and background in reading instruction & intervention? Needs of students & teachers Workload of the SLP: Will his/her involvement prohibit him/her from fulfilling existing responsibilities?
Resources for Vocabulary Development Bringing Words to Life (Beck, I.L., McKeown, M.G., & Kucan, L., 2002) Vocabulary Instruction: Research to Practice ( Baumann, J.F. & Kame’enui, E.J. (Eds.), 2004) Teaching Reading: Sourcebook for Kindergarten through Eighth Grade (Honig, B., Diamond, L., & Gutlohn, L., 2000)
Additional Resources …. to be developed ……