What is the Data Warehouse?
The Region Serviced by the NERIC
Agenda Overview of the Data Warehouse Role of the CIO NYSSIS Template overview Level 0 GrowNet Testing
What is a Data Warehouse? A data warehouse is a storage facility or repository that maintains large quantities of data that would typically reside in a number of disparate locations. Captures data required by the state for reporting and accountability purposes (e.g., NCLB), and also assorted data as deemed appropriate at the regional level.
Impact of the Data Warehouse Allows for the merging of data sets and data sources that are otherwise difficult to combine or compare Conduct longitudinal analysis of students and programs Compare different performance indicators Generate ALL testing information from records submitted to the Data Warehouse Generate ALL testing information from records submitted to the Data Warehouse District accountability will be determined based on Data Warehouse info District accountability will be determined based on Data Warehouse info Data collected on a monthly basis Data collected on a monthly basis
New Terminology Level 0/Toolkit Level 1 Level 1C (container) Level 2 Level 3 NYSSIS eScholar nySTART/GrowNet Data Mentor Location Codes Templates: – Demographic – Enrollment – Program Services – Assessments Source Systems
Level 1 District 1 District 2 District 3 District 1 District 2 District 3 NYC Buffalo WNYRIC Rochester WFL Monroe Syracuse CNYRICMORIC Suffolk Nassau LHRIC Yonkers MHRIC NERICBroomeSCT Statewide Repository Level 3 Statewide Data Warehouse Level 2 Statewide Reports Service Student ID System NYSSIS
Documentation Data Dictionary Guidelines for Extracts Policy Manual NYSSIS User Manual Level 0 help
Data Warehouse – District Role Establish CIOs Create District level data teams Submit various Student information Resolve NYSSIS “Near Matches”
Chief Information Officer Point person to interact with RIC Data Warehouse Staff Should not be in addition to another full time job Lead District Team to manage, maintain and provide quality data Have authority to make executive decisions related to the collection, maintenance, dissemination and utilization of data Understand the established standards Understand verification reports and other analyses of data Possess some level of technical skill
Who is on the district data team? Key Personnel: – Clerical – School Administration – Student Systems – Special Education – Guidance – Curriculum – Data Coordination (LEAP, STEP) – Testing Coordinator – Reading First staff (where applicable)
Source Systems What kinds of data does your district collect? Do you store all the required data elements? What student management systems are used in your school or district? Where are the data stored? Who has access to the data? How will you get it in the proper format required for the warehouse? How will you get the data to the warehouse?
“Old habits die hard” At this point, the data warehouse is as much, if not more about culture change than it is about being a data repository It is forcing districts to look at their data, and their processes in ways they never had to in the past It is also forcing district personnel to be very accurate with coding, classifying, and enrolling students It has led to countless enrollment and accountability questions (I.e. homeschoolers, homebound, out of district, GED, ungraded (testing), etc.)
Experience Helps Years behind us Many more changes ahead
Why am I doing all of this anyway?
What is behind it all? NYS History No Child Left Behind The desire to improve instruction.
A Brief History Pre-2001 –Business trade magazines develop crude “School Report Cards” as part of an overview of communities. Districts and eventually the State catch wind of this and begin to use report cards for further data collection and analysis. More and more data elements are added to these report cards over time. The press starts to broadcast the results and suddenly the report cards take on new meaning. Nobody wants to be on the “bad schools” list.
A Brief History 2001 – NYS implements a statewide system of School Accountability for Student Success ( SASS). Schools that do not make adequate yearly progress based on standards and assessments put in place by NYS will receive a School Under Registration Review ( SURR) status. This data driven system establishes a framework for accountability.
A Brief History President Bush announces HR 1 or the No Child left Behind act. NCLB requires states, districts, and schools to ensure that all students demonstrate proficiency in math and reading/language arts by Schools must demonstrate adequate yearly progress toward achieving the proficiency goals set by the state for each student subgroup. If any subgroup fails to meet the adequate yearly progress target, the entire school fails to make adequate yearly progress. Schools that receive Title I funds and fail to achieve adequate yearly progress for two consecutive years will be identified as in need of improvement. These schools and schools that continue to fail to demonstrate adequate yearly progress are subject to multiple requirements and sanctions.
A Brief History – NYS implements NCLB accountability and testing. Starts to collect data through LEAP and STEP to help ease the burden of data collection and to provide analysis tools 2004 – Introduction to the creation of a State Wide Data Repository for student data and the establishment of unique student identifiers (NYSSIS)
A Brief History – Start of use of the State Wide Repository System ( Data Warehouse) to collect K-8 data. Also, the establishment of NYSTART, a state wide reporting tool for individual and aggregate assessment data – Collection of K-12 data in Data Repository for all NCLB reporting requirements.
So what does this give you? Longitudinal data Records of strengths and weaknesses from the student level to the district level The ability to use this data for student improvement.
NYSSIS New York State Student Identification System Unique 10 digit identifier Statewide
Relies on a standard “student identification data set” of 23 elements This “data set” is taken from the Demographic template Data is submitted through the NERIC (level 1) data warehouse and ID is returned to the warehouse NYSSIS Matching engine uses clues and rules to match students to existing ID Three choices: – Match – New ID – Near match Human review for less than 1% NYSSIS
How Do I Resolve a Near Match?
Steps: Go to which can be found on the LINKS page of our website, Click on Access My Account
Steps: Enter your username and password
Steps: Click NYSIS Access
Resolving a Near Match From this screen, click the Queue button
These are the Near Matches Click on Candidates next to each name
Opens with your data Date submitted to NYSSIS Student to Compare to Click Compare
Record to compare with. Your Data Data you are comparing to
After comparing all information and doing any necessary research, if they are the same student, click Confirm Match at the bottom of the screen.
If it is not the same student but a New Student, click Return to get to the previous screen. Click on New Student
Important… It is important that you research these situations carefully and thoroughly. Use all the data provided to make your decisions. You might have to contact other districts. The process of splitting two unique students from the same ID or removing one ID from a student that was given two is complicated.
Once you click either Confirm Match or New Student, you will confirm by clicking Yes.
Match Confirmed, ID assigned. Click Return to Queue
What are Location Codes?
Location codes: Are numbers/letters created by you Can be UP TO 6 numbers or letters Should be named specifically
Location Codes: Represent the BEDS code of the school building or BOCES – Ex: the location code of 42 represents your HS whose BEDS code is Show where each student is enrolled Distinguish between different entities
How Do I Create Location Codes?
Download the Location Code Key from our website
It will look like this:
How to fill out the form Erase all the sample data In the first column, put your Location Code In the second column, put the specific name of the location – If the location is a BOCES classroom in a public school, you may want to identify the name as “BOCES – Main Street HS”, or something to that effect In the third column, put the BEDS code of the location – For BOCES locations, always use the generic BOCES BEDS code
What to do next? Save the file with your District in the file name the file to Put your District name in the title of the (e.g., “YourDistrict Location code update”)
Tips Only send Additions – do not send your whole list of location codes. Look for BEDS codes at _qry_vw$.startup _qry_vw$.startup DO NOT USE feeding sites or inactive codes from this site.
Tips cont.. You must use Building level BEDS codes except for BOCES and BOCES classrooms. BOCES and BOCES Classrooms must use the district level BOCES code. (ex: ) If you have more than one location in the same BOCES region, you must designate one of the locations as the PRIMARY location and the others as the SECONDARY locations.
What? For example: If you have 3 out-of-district placements and all of them are in the Cap Region BOCES, you would designate one of them as the Primary (think first, not elementary) code. The others you would mark Secondary (think second, not high school). It would look like this:
What to expect You should see your new location codes in Level 0 by the next day if there are no concerns with your file. Please submit files before 3:30 for that to happen. You can find them easily in Level 0 in any of the three areas ( Demo, Enroll, or PS) under Location code.
How Do I Find BEDS Codes?
Resources has a list of BOCES and out-of-district placement BEDS codes. State Ed Portal at _qry_vw$.startup _qry_vw$.startup The above link is also available on our website.
How to Use the Portal In the first field, type the exact name of the institution that you are looking for with % signs at the beginning and the end.
How to Use the Portal Click Find at the bottom of the screen to show your results
Feeding sites and Inactive codes are not valid and won’t be accepted. Do not use the Institution ID. You must click on the name of the Institution you choose to see the BEDS code.
Once on the next page, look for “SED Code”. The bold 12 digit number next to that is the BEDS code.
What are the Templates?
Templates Template is a pattern or a model. Our templates show what data is required and model how the data should be formatted. 6 templates – Demographics, Enrollment, Program Services, Assessment, and 2 new ones for Special Ed. Excel spreadsheets available on our website.
What is collected in the DW? 6 “Templates” of data 1) Student Lite template, aka Demographics – Name – Date of Birth – Ethnicity – Address – Home Language – Date of entry into Grade 9 – Inoculation Date – Local student ID – Location of student NYSSIS IDs are generated based on this data
2) Enrollment Template Beginning date(s) of enrollment during the current school year (i.e., ) End date(s) of enrollment Reasons why – How are students coded when they enter and leave, such as, entering from a public school in NYS, or leaving to attend a non-public school.
3) Program Services Must have a beginning date during the current school year (similar to enrollment template), CAN have an end date Examples of types of data collected via Program Services: – Disability – Poverty – Level of integration – LEP/ELL Status – Title 1 – Alternate Assessment Eligibility – CTE codes (required in DW )
4) Assessment Template Assessment information (both aggregate and item level) – Examples of types of data collected via Assessment: 3-8 Math/ELA Science 4/8 Social Studies 5/8 NYSESLAT Reading First Regents (new for – includes Summer School) – Districts that do not use NERIC to scan their assessments have to provide this data in template form
5&6) Special Education Templates New this year Will collect data from the PD ¼ reports Will be used only twice a year.
What is Level 0?
Level 0 A tool to format and move data from the school districts to the data warehouse. A place to store student demographic, enrollment, program service, and assessment information. Is NOT a robust reporting tool.
You will need to fill out a form on our website to get a username and password
Two types of Level 0 accounts Generic – Can load, change, and view data. Cannot “lock and load” data to Level 1 Dist. Admin/Upload – All the rights of Generic User, can also “lock and load” data
When making changes in Level 0… In Demographics – “lock and load” Demographic data In Enrollment – “lock and load” Demographics & Enrollment In Program Services – “lock and load” Demographics, Enrollment, AND ALL PROGRAM SERVICES In Assessment – “lock and load” Demographics, Enrollment, and Assessment
Main Menu
Electronic Data Import and Validation adds data into Level 0 by importing text files.
Manual Data Input and Validation allows manual changing of individual student records
Data Preparation for Level 1 prepares the data in Level 0 for submission to the RIC and makes a copy of that data for Level 1
Reports provides rudimentary reports of what is in Level 0. There are no analysis tools.
There are 4 areas where data can be entered. Demographics, Enrollment, Program Service and Assessment
Demographics contains basic data about the student such as name, address, birth date, gender, grade, etc…
Enrollment contains the actual location of the student and any movement activity the student makes.
Program Service includes all special services that the student receives. This includes Special Ed, Title 1, LEP, 504 services and more.
Assessment holds test information and scores that are not scored by NERIC such as the 5 th grade SS or the Regents tests.
User Types There are 5 different user types with different access levels and system privileges The first two can create and administer accounts. 1.Executive User (Superintendent, Principal) 2.Account Administrator 3.Limited Staff User 4.Teacher 5.Staff User
1) Executive User Executive Users for each entity RIC: RIC Director BOCES: District Superintendent District: Superintendent School: Principal – School superintendent and district administrators can see principal’s accounts in each component school.
2) Account Administrator – Staff to whom the Executive has delegated authority to create and administer accounts for the entity – Cannot administer the Executive’s account – Otherwise, Account Administrator has the same privileges as the Executive at that entity Administrative privileges Data access privileges
Executive User/Account Administrator – The Executive User and Account Administrator can Create accounts Administer accounts – Edit accounts (account information, such as position, or access) – Set temporary passwords – Suspend accounts – Delete accounts
Executive User/Account Administrator – Can see Aggregated Student Data and Individual Student Data within the entity i.e. School superintendents can drill down to school roster reports and individual student reports – At RICs, Districts, and Schools, can view Verification Reports – BOCES Executive Users cannot view individual student data Mid-September, the School District Account Administrator can create setting for District Superintendent to view their individual student data, if desired.
3) Limited Staff User – This user type is the most limited. – Can only see aggregated student data for all students at all grade levels within the entity (district or school) – Appropriate for staff that do not generally work with individual students – Self-management of account Edit own information (name, address, etc) Change password
4) Teacher – Can see aggregated data for the whole school and Individual Student Data for authorized grades Access individual student data for the grade indicated on the invitation letter and also for one grade below. The fourth-grade teacher in can see the test results for students who took third and fourth grade tests in The fourth grade teacher in can also see the test results for students who take fourth grade tests in as they become available. – Self-management of account Edit own information (name, address, etc) Change password
5) Staff User – Can see Aggregated Student Data and Individual Student Data for all students within the entity – At RICs, Districts, and Schools, can view Verification Reports
Staff User – At the district level may be appropriate for Assistant superintendents, curriculum coordinators, special education coordinator, bilingual coordinator – At the school level may be appropriate for School psychologist, reading specialist, resource room teacher – Self-management of account Edit own information (name, address, etc) Change password
Determining Appropriate User Type for Other Users – The Executive and Account Administrators are responsible for ensuring that only authorized individuals have access. Teachers and staff are responsible for the security of their passwords. – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act considerations: legitimate educational interest in student information – National Center for Education Statistics has published a guidebook for schools and districts on protecting student privacy:
Determining Appropriate User Type for Other Users – The Executive and Account Administrator have the power and responsibility to assign passwords to users not directly in the entity and who have legitimate educational interest. For example, the Executive may grant access to members of the Regional School Support Centers, Bilingual Education Technical Assistance Centers, and SETRICs (Special Education). For example, the Executive may distribute invitation codes to school personnel in the district involved in transition grades. (i.e. a high school guidance counselor wants access to eighth grade student data)
– Executive user or account administrator will select the access level and name of the new user Jane Smith, limited staff account – An invitation letter will be created as a PDF file (which can be printed or saved) – Repeat process for all users within the entity Setting up accounts within the entity
Report Types Verification Reports Assessment Reports Accountability Reports
User IDs and Passwords Level 0 – NYSTART – NYSSIS –
TESTING INFORMATION Work closely with your testing coordinator Make certain that the student’s local ID on their answer sheet is the same ID as reported in Level 0 Ensure students are enrolled accurately, particularly over testing administration dates. This is so they will be recorded properly for accountability purposes.
Contacts Jeff Baker – Data Warehouse Manager – – Cathy Burbules – Data Warehouse Coordinator – – Gail Galusha – Data Readiness Coordinator – – Data Warehouse hotline –