Technology Planning & ePeGS David W. Dillard David W. Dillard
Today’s Objectives Technology planning to meet the 2009 DESE criteria Technology Plan writing through ePeGS
Key Points A district technology plan should focus on integrating technology into the teaching and learning process to transform the way teachers teach and students learn. At the very least, the technology plan should be embedded in or supplement the district’s comprehensive school improvement plan. A planning committee is critical to the success of any technology plan. The committee should include expertise in planning, building a vision, needs assessment, curriculum and instruction, evaluation, goal setting, professional development, technology hardware, support and integration, media/marketing, and financial planning.
1. Student Learning (includes technology skills) 2. Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction 3. Administration / Data Management / Communication Processes 4. Resource Distribution and Use 5. Technical Support
Cover Sheet
Changes – from the 2006 process Filed online through ePeGS – hardcopy- printout maybe required to DESE Mission Statement – will be District through ePeGS Needs – will be district through ePeGS Technology Committee – not entered CURRENT STATUS – COMPILING RAW DATA – Not Required
Changes – from the 2006 process Goals – now provided through ePeGS COMMUNICATION / DISSEMINATION, MONITORING, AND EVALUATION – not a part of ePeGS except for the evaluation process which will be “additional elements”
Technology Committee Still need to have and document (possible DESE or MSIP review item) Divide up the work; assign TFA’s Still need to conduct needs assessments to determine what your district needs
ePeGS Goals A Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) that covers the needs of all programs A grant application system that is tied to the CSIP plan A cohesive place where grants can be planned and applied for together from multiple sources A system that reduces the need for programmer intervention to establish a new grant or plan
Two Parts Development Committee work Data Analysis Mission Statement Needs Statement Creation of: Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Action Steps Plan entry through ePeGS Data entry Additional Elements Approval/Submission Plan printing
ePeGS Login
ePeGS First Screen
ePeGS Planning Tool
Planning Tool Menu
Mission Statement
Mission Statement (AV)
Needs Assessment (AV)
Planning Goals Objectives: Strategies (DESE sometimes calls activities) Action Steps
ePeGS Goals
Objectives Objective – a statement that describes the specific, measurable results to be achieved by whom, by when and by how much or to what degree. Objectives, like goals, must be measurable and must relate to student performance but they must also specify a final target and when that target is to be met. Objectives are generally more discrete than goals, indicating the specific target population requiring improvement. Objectives should relate to and support a district goal. Examples: Goal: The district’s graduation rate will increase to 90.0%. Objective: The graduation rate for students with disabilities will increase to 90.0% by 2009.
Objective Entry
Objectives: Goal 1
Objectives: Goal 2
Objectives: Goal 3
Objectives: Goal 4
Objectives: Goal 5
DESE Sample Tech Objectives
Activities: Now called Strategies Activities - the discrete and measurable strategies or interventions that specify how the objective will be accomplished. Examples Goal: The district’s graduation rate will increase to 90.0%. Objective: The graduation rate for students with disabilities will increase to 90.0% by 2009 Activity: Develop and implement a work experience program for nurse’s aide.
Strategy Entry
Action Step Action Step – the major steps required to implement the activity. Examples: Goal: The district’s graduation rate will increase to 90.0%. Objective: The graduation rate for students with disabilities will increase to 2009 Activity: Develop and implement a work experience program for nurse’s aide. Action Step: Contact the local hospital to meet and discuss nurse’s aide program options.
Action Step Entry
Final Plan
Evaluation: Additional Elements
NCLB LEA Improvement Plan Additional Elements
DESE’s Instructional Technology Homepage
DESE Planning Resources
Missouri Technology Strategic Plan
National Center for Technology Planning
Additional Thought: NCLB Requirements Title IID – Enhancing Education Through Technology Technology Literacy: “To ensure that every student is technologically literate by the time the student finishes the eighth grade, regardless of the student’s race, ethnicity, gender, family income, geographic location, or disability.” not defined no definition for assessment
NCLB Requirements Title IID – Enhancing Education Through Technology Missouri requires Core Data entry