Mark J. Raivetz Superintendent Elizabeth Mennig Supervisor Teaching and Learning 21 October 2010 Assessment in the Haddon Township Public Schools 2010
Assessment Instruments New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (ASK) grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Language Arts Literacy Mathematics Science (grades 4 and 8)
Assessment Instruments High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) grade 11 Language Arts/Literacy Mathematics
Assessment Instruments Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) grades 11 and 12 Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Advanced Placement (A.P.) Tests college credit in ten subject areas American College Testing Program (ACT) grades 11 and 12 English Mathematics Reading Science
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Reporting student achievement Districts may no longer report results by school or grade Disaggregated by NCLB reporting categories: All students General education (no Special Ed or Limited English) Special Education Title I Gender ~ female/male Ethnicity ~ American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, White, other, multiple races Economic Status ~ disadvantaged/non-disadvantaged Migrant Status ~ migrant/non-migrant
Determining Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) NCLB – all children proficient by 2014 Grades LA/ Literacy Math
Determining Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) NCLB – a huge jump for students this spring Grades LA/ Literacy Math
Maintaining A.Y.P.: Current status of district schools based on 2010 state assessments Haddon Township High School Rohrer Middle School Edison Jennings Stoy Strawbridge Van Sciver OK Students with disabilities in Language Arts and Math OK
Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (ASK) grades 3, 4, 5, 6 7 and 8 Students were tested in two NCLB areas... Language Arts Literacy Mathematics Science (grade 4 and 8 only – no NCLB assessment) Test is designed to determine how well the district has incorporated Core Curriculum Content Standards Multiple choice as well as performance task items included
District students failed to exceed state standards in Language Arts Literacy on the New Jersey ASK 3 Level of Proficiency Grade 3Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient Language Arts LiteracyNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township % %106.1% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 27% ~~ at least 73% ~ Level of Proficiency Grade 3Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient MathematicsNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township %7142.8%7042.2% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 31% ~~ at least 69% ~
NJ ASK 3: Percent of Students Proficient and Advanced Proficient – Township and NCLB
District students exceeded state standards on the New Jersey ASK 4 Level of Proficiency Grade 4Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient Language Arts LiteracyNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township % %169.9% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 27% ~~ at least 73% ~ Level of Proficiency Grade 4Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient MathematicsNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township %6539.9%7948.5% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 31% ~~ at least 69% ~
NJ ASK 4: Percent of Students Proficient and Advanced Proficient – Township and NCLB
District students exceeded state standards on the New Jersey ASK 5 Level of Proficiency Grade 5Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient Language Arts LiteracyNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township % %116.7% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 28% ~~ at least 72% ~ Level of Proficiency Grade 5Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient MathematicsNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township 137.9%6137.0%9155.2% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 39% ~~ at least 61% ~
NJ ASK 5: Percent of Students Proficient and Advanced Proficient – Township and NCLB
District students exceeded state standards on the New Jersey ASK 6 Level of Proficiency Grade 6Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient Language Arts LiteracyNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township % %127.0% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 28% ~~ at least 72% ~ Level of Proficiency Grade 6Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient MathematicsNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township %8850.9%3117.9% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 39% ~~ at least 61% ~
NJ ASK 6: Percent of Students Proficient and Advanced Proficient – Township and NCLB
District students failed to exceed state standards in Language Arts Literacy on the New Jersey ASK 7 Level of Proficiency Grade 7Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient Language Arts LiteracyNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township 5833%9856.3%1810.3% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 28% ~~ at least 72% ~ Level of Proficiency Grade 7Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient MathematicsNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township %9152.0%2313.1% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 39% ~~ at least 61% ~
NJ ASK 7: Percent of Students Proficient and Advanced Proficient – Township and NCLB
District students failed to exceed state standards in Mathematics on the New Jersey ASK 8 Level of Proficiency Grade 8Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient Language Arts LiteracyNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township %9873.7%139.8% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 28% ~~ at least 72% ~ Level of Proficiency Grade 8Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient MathematicsNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township %5642.1%1914.3% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 39% ~~ at least 61% ~
NJ ASK 8: Percent of Students Proficient and Advanced Proficient – Township and NCLB
Grade Eleven High School Proficiency Assessment: HSPA Graduation test of record in New Jersey, now tied to NCLB Students were tested in March of the junior year in two areas... Language Arts Literacy Mathematics Test is designed to determine how well the district has incorporated Core Curriculum Content Standards Multiple choice as well as performance task items included
District students meet or exceeded state standards on the grade 11 HSPA Level of Proficiency Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient Language Arts LiteracyNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township 117.1% %2616.8% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 15% ~~ at least 85% ~ Level of Proficiency Partially ProficientProficientAdvanced Proficient MathematicsNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Haddon Township %8957.1%3623.1% NCLB New Jersey~ no more than 26% ~~ at least 74% ~
Grade 11 HSPA: Percent of students Proficient and Advanced Proficient
Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Recognized as a key indicator of a high school’s standing when compared to other districts; non-mandatory Three sections - Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Third, behind high school grades and strength of schedule/courses, in admission to colleges and universities
Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) HaddonTownship Students Subtest AreaTownshipNationalDifferenceSeniorsTested% Tested Critical Reading % % % % % Mathematics Writing
Advanced Placement Test Results, 2010 StudentsStudents scoring% scoring Subjecttested 3 or better* 3 or better Biology % Calculus AB % Chemistry2150.0% English Literature/Composition % French4250.0% German4125.0% US Government and Politics % Latin/Vergil % Spanish900.0% Statistics % TOTAL % * College credit
American College Testing (ACT) HaddonTownship Students Subtest AreaTownshipNationalDifferenceSeniorsTested% Tested English % Mathematics Reading Science Composite
Teaching and Learning efforts Leveled Literacy Initiative (L.L.I.) in five elementary schools - primarily first grade - in place of Reading Recovery Intervention and Enrichment (I. & E.) in grades 1 to 5 Lexia; Study Island; Great Leaps Response to Intervention preparation and planning In Title I schools... Additional L.L.I. hours in eligible elementary schools Extended Day, Homework Club and Supplemental Educational Services in the middle school Middle School restructuring - Reading and Math Across the Curriculum High School - study hall changes; Homework Club; Math and Language Arts Lab