No Child Left Behind Dara Normandin Ed 200 Fall 2005 Curriculum Project Trinity College
Why NCLB? NCLB is a very controversial topic Important to open the dialogue to our children—it is all about them
Background 7 th grade students at Bellizzi Middle School disengaged and disinterested making few connections between their lives and what they are learning feeling little control over their educational experience
Objectives Students will Comprehend the vocabulary and definitions in NCLB analyze the consequences of NCLB for their school, district, and state evaluate their school’s performance according to NCLB and compare to district and state recognize the impact of the law on their own lives
Re-engagement Students will kick off the week with attendance of Hartbeat Ensemble’s News To Me, currently playing at Charter Oak Cultural Center “I’m waking up! And I’m sending a message to the world” And I’m sending a message to the world”
Activities Monday Attend Hartbeat Ensemble’s News To Me at Charter Oak Cultural Center. In preparation children will have been provided some background on NCLB. For homework children write responses to show, in the form of poetry, a written piece, a song. Children are informed that they themselves will have the opportunity to perform these pieces on Friday. Tuesday During social studies, teacher explains basic vocabulary and definitions of NCLB, referring back to News To Me e.g. Annual testing of students in grade 3-8 by the 2005/206 school year. Children study handout on vocabulary and definitions for homework, writing questions for further discussion. Wednesday During English children share their responses in read-around, with children commenting on each other’s work with positive responses only. During math class, lesson on disaggregating educational data and importance for minority students. Thursday During English, children read paragraph from Washington Post about Commissioner of Education Sternberg. Children incorporate their responses in letter to the Commissioner with their opinions of NCLB. Letters are completed for homework Friday During math, children compare AYP of Bellizzi compared to district and state. Performance of responses for the parents, principal, teachers, and aides from Ct Department of Education.
Disaggregating Data Student A = 3 Student B = 1 Student C = 2 Student D = 9 Student E = 8 Student F = 1 Aggregate score of 6 students = 24 Student A = 4 Student B = 4 Student C = 4 Student D = 4 Student E = 4 Student F = 4 Aggregate score of 6 students = 24
Evaluation Students will be evaluated based on comprehension, analysis, and evaluation of NCLB articulated in letters and performance
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