Migrant Education Program 101 Florida Migrant Education Program [or insert district] Carol Gagliano [or insert name of presenter] Director [or insert job title of presenter] [insert date]
I NTRODUCTION In 1965, Congress passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), providing, for the first time, significant federal funding for K–12 education. The original law has been renewed eight times, most recently by No Child Left Behind (NCLB). NCLB was signed into law on January 8, 2002 (P.L ). Major General Requirements: A highly qualified teacher in the core subjects in every classroom Use of proven, research-based instructional methods Timely information and options for parents Schools that underperform held accountable, providing their students with free tutoring The Migrant Education Program (MEP) is authorized under Part C of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of [ Sections of P.L ]
K EY V OCABULARY CNA – Comprehensive Needs Assessment COE – Certificate of Eligibility COS – Continuation of Services ELL – English Language Learner ESEA – Elementary and Secondary Education Act FDOE – Florida Department of Education FMEP – Florida Migrant Education Program FMIP – Florida Migrant Interstate Program HQT – Highly Qualified Teacher ID&R – Identification and Recruitment LEA – Local Educational Agency MEP – Migrant Education Program MPAC – Migrant Parent Advisory Council MSIX – Migrant Student Information Exchange System NCLB – No Child Left Behind OME – Office of Migrant Education PASS – Portable Assisted Study Sequence PFS – Priority for Services SDP – Service Delivery Plan SEA – State Educational Agency TIPC – Title I Part C
P URPOSE FOR T ITLE I P ART C Children of migrant workers are affected by repeated moves, disruption in schooling, poverty, health needs, social isolation, and language barriers The purpose of this program is to ensure that the special educational needs of migrant children are identified and addressed. This program supports high-quality and comprehensive educational programs for migrant children in order to help reduce the educational disruptions and other education related problems that result from frequent moves.
NCLB P ROGRAMS : T ITLE I P ART C ( CONT.) ALLOWABLE ACTIVITIES In general, SEAs and LEAs may use Migrant Education Program (MEP) fund for: Instructional services; Support Services; Professional Development; Migrant Parent Advisory Council (MPAC) and other migrant parental involvement activities; Identification and Recruitment; Coordination activities with other agencies, both within the State and with other States nationwide, including the transfer of student records; Comprehensive needs assessment activities; and Evaluation of MEP
P ROGRAM E LIGIBILITY A child is a “migratory child” and is eligible for MEP services if all of the following conditions are met*: The child is not older than 21 years of age; and The child is entitled to a free public education (through grade 12) under State law or is below the age of compulsory school attendance; and The child is a migratory agricultural worker or a migratory fisher, or the child has a parent, spouse, or guardian who is a migratory agricultural worker or a migratory fisher; and The child moved within the preceding 36 months in order to seek or obtain qualifying work, or to accompany or join the migratory agricultural worker or migratory fisher identified in paragraph 3, above, in order to seek or obtain qualifying work; and With regard to the move, the child has moved from one school district to another (within or outside the state) * Sections 1115(b)(1)(A) (incorporated into the MEP program by virtue of sections 1304(c)(2)) and 1309(2) of the statute and §§ (e) and (a) of the regulations.
MEP = Migrant Education Program LEA = Local Educational Agency M AP OF F LORIDA D ISTRICT MEP S
I DENTIFICATION AND R ECRUITMENT (ID&R) A CTIVITIES ID&R efforts (school and field-based) conducted to identify eligible migrant students. A Certificate of Eligibility (COE) is utilized to determine and document if the child meets the eligibility criteria. Knowledge of agriculture and fishery in Florida and other states key in identifying qualifying activities during ID&R efforts.
The MEP uses a continuous Planning and Implementation Process to ensure needs of migrant students are identified and addressed through effective services/service delivery.
The Service Delivery Plan (SDP) is to the state what the Title I Part C Project Application is to the district/LEA. The SDP and the TIPC Project Application represent MEP service plans. SEA and LEAs are required to conduct each component (needs assessment, service planning, program implementation, and evaluation) of the process. SEA and LEAs are also required to address the Seven Areas of Concern
A REAS OF C ONCERN Areas of Concern are broad areas based on the root causes of the unique characteristics of the target group OME identified Seven Areas of Concern Educational continuity Instructional time School engagement English language development Educational support in the home Health Access to services
A DDITIONAL N OTES R EGARDING MEP P ROGRAM S ERVICES Beyond being allowable activities and associated with the Areas of Concern additional MEP criteria for services include: Services must be supplemental (may not supplant) Provided so that most at-risk eligible migrant students served first Furthermore: MEP may serve migrant students whose eligibility ends on a Continuation of Services (COS) basis
M OST A T -R ISK =P RIORITY FOR S ERVICES All identified migrant children are eligible for services however Priority for Services (PFS)* or those served first, is given to migrant children: Whose education interrupted during the Regular School Year and Failing, or is at risk of failing, defined by the state’s PFS criteria/standard * Section 1304(d) of the statute. Florida has an established PFS criteria MEP-eligible children must exhibit both factors in order to be considered PFS.
C ONTINUATION OF S ERVICES (COS) Three circumstances* in which a LEA may continue to provide services to children whose eligibility has ended: A child’s eligibility ends during the school term and the agency provides services for the duration of the term; A child’s eligibility ends and the agency provides services for an additional school year because comparable services are not available through other programs; and A local operating agency continues to serve secondary school students who were eligible for services in secondary school through credit accrual programs until they graduate. [Note: Before the agency provides services under these provisions, it needs to consider whether the child’s unmet special educational needs are addressed by the general school program and whether migrant children who have a priority for services have already been served.] * See Section 1304(e)(1-3)
M IGRANT F UNDING Goes directly to district/LEA from state to be used to administer program and conduct activities associated with program planning and implementation process. ( TIPC funding is not school-based. ) SEAs and LEAs must use MEP funds to meet the needs of migrant children that are not addressed by services available from other Federal or non-Federal programs Guiding Principles for use of funds: Supplement vs. Supplant Reasonable, Allowable, Necessary Allocated based on a OME and state approved allocation formula Project Application needs to be submitted and approved by FMEP to obtain funding
M IGRANT A LLOCATION F ORMULA Migrant Allocation Formula includes the following factors: Number of Migrant Students (Total of: served during regular school year, summer, and migrant eligible, not served) Migrant Student Needs (Total of: Level 1 and 2 on state assessment reading and math; retained during the school year; non-attenders (school #9997), English Language Learners (ELL codes of LY+LP); and GPA of 2.0 or lower) Priority for Services (Based on state Migrant PFS criteria) Availability of Other Funds (District Per Pupil Expenditure (PPE) compared to State PPE)
P ROJECT A PPLICATION P ROCESS Each June, LEAs are required to submit applications for each program for which they are eligible. Title I Part C, Florida Migrant Education Program (FMEP) applications consist of: Assurances (General and Program Specific); Need Assessment Need Statements and Activities/Services (aligned with required FMEP goals and need areas); Coordination of Federal Programs & Participation/Collaborative Partners; Areas of Concern Parent Involvement Evaluation Reporting Requirements/Information Dissemination; General Education Provisions Act, and Budget
M ONITORING Annually, all LEAs are required to monitor themselves to ensure they are meeting the requirements of each program using tools that FDOE creates. Work Papers: a set of compliance statements with associated questions and required documentation. Title I, Part C along with all other federal titles has a set of Work Papers specific to the title. In addition, a group of LEAs are monitored each year through an onsite visit, a desktop review (online submission and review via conference call), or some additional submission requirements without interviews (enhanced self-monitoring). The type of monitoring an LEA must complete is determined by a risk assessment.
T ITLE I, P ART C S TATE -L EVEL C ONTACT I NFORMATION Carol Gagliano, Florida Migrant Education Program (FMEP) Director or Jay Rembert, Program Specialist and MSIX State Data Administrator or Courtney Walker, Program Specialist and FMEP State Evaluator or Kim Fioramanti, Florida Migrant Interstate Program Services Coordinator or ext. 208 Dr. Ray Melecio, Florida ID&R State Coordinator or Priscilla Dennis, Administrative Support Staff or