Exploring the instructional shifts and the SBAC


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Presentation transcript:

Exploring the instructional shifts and the SBAC Introduction to the Common Core State Standards and K-2 Writing Units of Study ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS STRANDS COMMON CORE STANDARDS Exploring the instructional shifts and the SBAC At its most basic organizational view. There are four strands or disciplines within the ELA Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language www.oakland.k12.mi.us

ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS STRANDS COMMON CORE STANDARDS Introduction to the Common Core State Standards and K-2 Writing Units of Study ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS STRANDS COMMON CORE STANDARDS Reading Strand Writing Strand Speaking and Listening Strand Language Strand At its most basic organizational view. There are four strands or disciplines within the ELA Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language www.oakland.k12.mi.us

Our Balance is Shifting… From genre to text types From historically fiction-heavy classrooms to balance of narrative and informational reading From teacher-centered to student-centered environments From NCLB to a much greater emphasis on writing and deep comprehension



The CCSS bring us 6 Shifts (among many) http://bit.ly/6shiftsforstudentsandparents

The Progressions of the CCSS Organization supports RTI or Multi-Tiered Systems of Support! Progressions support clear assessment to target next steps (Not that the student isn’t able to achieve a skill, rather the student is at a different level for that skill. The question becomes, “What do we need to do to increase proficiency?”)

The Work of Implementing CCSS Standards are essential but inadequate by themselves To be successful, educators also need: Curriculum, including units of study, based on the standards Instructional materials that align with the standards A variety of assessments to measure student progress Resources and tools Time to adjust classroom practices Professional development

Smarter Balanced Assessment PTs One piece of the summative assessment that we will be employing in 2014-15 As all items, constructed response, selected response, etc., will be based on claims Provide a glimpse of the depth and flexibility of thinking students will be asked to negotiate Lead us to envision the learning progressions needed across the grades to get to this cognitive rigor

MAISA PROJECT MAISA MAISA - Michigan Association for Intermediate School Administrators working collaboratively across the 57 ISDs Michigan teachers write units of study aligned to the Common Core State Standards Teachers across the state pilot/review Final drafts posted on MAISA Rubicon website or http://oaklandk12-public.rubiconatlas.org

Support for Implementation The CCSS Resources are… Not self-enacting Raw materials to support teachers as they reorganize their instruction and work to implement the CCSS