In August, Corunna Public Schools will begin to look at creating a standards based report card for grades K-5. Much professional dialogue needs to take place prior to decisions being made. This is my reason for beginning to research this topic.
Marked on a continuum of beginning, developing and secure in skills in mathematics, science and social studies. In reading and writing, the students are marked on a scale from pre-emergent, emergent, transitional, and progressing. Life skills are marked on a scale of 1 to 3 (below, meets, above expectations). (P.E., Fine Arts and Spanish) based upon created rubrics for each subject area. Teacher Comment Section
Give traditional letter grades (A-E) in Reading, Writing, Listening/Speaking, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Life skills are marked on a scale of 1 to 3 (below, meets, above expectations). (P.E., Fine Arts and Spanish) based upon created rubrics for each subject area. Teacher Comment Section
Several districts in Michigan and some from other states who have already implemented standards based report cards The Michigan Department of Education’s steps to implementing standards based units. Benefits of standards based reporting (school and home) Homework issue discussed (still collecting resources)
Dearborn : Dearborn : Southgate: Southgate: therTools/StandardsbasedReports.pdf therTools/StandardsbasedReports.pdf General: \
1_107277_7.pdf 1_107277_7.pdf Why do this route? The Process You’ll know you have arrived when.. Specialists to use Tying it to: Ed Yes! NCLB MI- Plan
As a group read and discuss Use “Terms of Endearment” (how high standards connect to grade level expectations) Ask staff to locate school’s current status along the standards journey Agree on timeline of “Next steps” Agree to practice standards based lesson planning Work to involve everyone in community Agree to include cross-disciplinary units Build a tracking system (Michigan Department of Education, 2009)
FROM: Sorting students Emphasis on what’s taught School success doesn’t predict life-long earnings TO: Educating all students Emphasis on what’s learned School success does predict life-long earnings
Parents can see exactly what their child can and cannot do. Letter grades do not tell parents what skills they have mastered or what skills they are working on Concrete skills and knowledge are listed All students are evaluated on the same grade - appropriate skills Keep teachers and parents focused on student learning goals
Keeps teachers focused on what to teach Matches with state standards Helps in communicating to parents the skills their child has or has not yet mastered Data collected shows specifically what class has mastered Provides continuity across grade levels Encourages cross-disciplinary teaching
1.) Grades Should Have Meaning What is the true difference between A,B,C,D and E? 2.) We Need to Challenge the Status Quo How does homework figure into the overall grade of a course? 3.) We Can Control Grading Practices System should not be masked by attendance, effort, or other issues. 4.) Standards-Based Grading Reduces Meaningless Paperwork Writing feedback on selective homework or practice problems 5.) It Helps Teachers Adjust Instruction Grade book reflects standards practiced and assessed. Letter grades are not skewing results 6.) It Teaches What Quality Looks Like Teachers require quality work not substandard scores. 7.) It's a Launch pad to Other Reforms improving curriculum as well as addressing modifications and accommodations (Scriffiny, 2008)