Assessment Transition to New Missouri Core Academic Standards Show-Me Curriculum Administrators Fall Conference Michael Muenks Coordinator of Assessment.


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Presentation transcript:

Assessment Transition to New Missouri Core Academic Standards Show-Me Curriculum Administrators Fall Conference Michael Muenks Coordinator of Assessment October 7-8, 2012

Setting the Stage 2 Our goals: 1.Establish baseline knowledge for the standards transition. 2.Share what the Department knows about the future of assessment in Missouri.

2nd Cycle of MSIP Missouri Mastery and Achievement Tests (MMAT) Core Competencies and Key Skills Transition to Show-Me Standards as reflected in the Curriculum Frameworks Transition from the MMAT to the Missouri Assessment Program’s Grade-Span Assessments 3rd Cycle of MSIP Curriculum Frameworks for most content areas and competencies for Career Education Grade-Span Assessments 4th Cycle of MSIP GLEs/CLEs developed over time for most content areas Moved from Curriculum Frameworks over time to GLEs Developed CLEs from GLEs and course models Included Career Education competencies Grade–Level assessments and End-of- Course assessments introduced Developed model curriculum units for mathematics and communication arts 5th Cycle of MSIP Core Academic Standards Transition from current communication arts and mathematics GLEs and CLEs to Common Core based grade-level and course content Career Education Standards Grade-Level assessments, End-of- Course assessments, and the introduction of an End-of-High-School College/Career-Ready Assessment Model curriculum for all content areas. Transitions All Missouri content standards are related back to the Show-Me Standards by state statute.

What are the Core Academic Standards? 4  Common Core State Standards ELA (communication arts)/MA (mathematics)  Next Generation Science Standards  Career Education Standards  Updated standards for other content areas  Health/PE  Fine Arts  World Languages  Guidance and Counseling  Social Studies

Why the need to update academic standards now? 5  Discussions began among state education chiefs and governors in 2007 and were rooted in reflections on A Nation At Risk.  Key motivators were  International competitiveness  Economic development  Governor Nixon committed Missouri to the Common Core State Standards June 26, 2009.

Leadership 6  Standards drive curriculum/Curriculum is how and when you teach  Common Core State Standards Organization  Don’t deconstruct – Look at the whole document Progressions, Math Practices, Text Complexity, Glossaries, Appendices, etc. The focus is fewer items to a greater depth.  Professional learning will be a key component Evaluate teacher content knowledge – Are there opportunities? Fidelity of curriculum implementation – Are favorite units that are now inappropriate being abandoned?

Missouri’s Transition in ELA and MA Development of Model Curriculum units per grade and content area K-12 Awareness presentations Implementation of Model Curriculum units K-12 Regional professional learning focused on deep implementation of CCSS as illustrated by Model Curriculum Dual reporting of current assessments to both GLEs/CLEs and CCSS Administer current MAP-A Continued implementation of Model Curriculum units K-12 Regional professional learning focused on deep implementation of CCSS as illustrated by Model Curriculum Dual reporting of current assessments to both GLEs/CLEs and CCSS Begin the process of updating EOCs to fully assess the CCSS Administer current MAP-A Field test Dynamic Learning Maps for Alternate Assessment Full implementation of Model Curriculum Continued regional professional learning Administer Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) assessments Administer Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment Field test EOCs designed to assess the CCSS

Race to the Top and Enhanced Assessment Grants Race to the Top Assessment Consortia  Smarter Balance (27 states including Missouri)  PARCC Enhanced Assessment Grant Assessment Consortia for Alternate Assessments and English Language Proficiency  Dynamic Learning Maps (13 states including Missouri)  NCSC  ASSETS (31 states including Missouri) 8

Optional Interim assessment system — no stakes Summative assessment for accountability Last 12 weeks of year** DIGITAL LIBRARY of formative tools, processes and exemplars; released items and tasks; model curriculum units; educator training; professional development tools and resources; scorer training modules; and teacher collaboration tools. Scope, sequence, number, and timing of interim assessments locally determined PERFORMANCE TASKS ELA / Literacy Math Re-take option available The Smarter Balanced Assessment System * Summative and interim assessments for grades 3 – 8 and 11, with additional supporting assessments for grades 9 and 10. ** Time windows may be adjusted based on results from the research agenda and final implementation decisions. English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics, Grades 3 – 8 and High School* Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks INTERIM ASSESSMENT Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks INTERIM ASSESSMENT COMPUTER ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENT ELA/Literacy & Math Comprehensive Assessment System

EMBEDDED TASKS ASSESSMENTS A series of more than 100 items/tasks per year embedded within instruction, each with various forms and scaffolds to allow for customization to student needs. Each task typically requires one to five minutes for completion. The Dynamic Learning Maps Assessment Consortium (DLM) DIGITAL LIBRARY of learning maps; professional development resources; guidelines for IEP development and student selection for the alternate assessment; instructionally relevant tasks with guidelines for use materials, accommodations, and scaffolding; automated scoring (for most) and diagnostic feedback; and online reporting system. END-OF-YEAR ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENT * Alternate assessment systems are those developed for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities and are based on alternate achievement standards. ** Research will be conducted to review the technical feasibility of using data from the tasks for summative accountability purposes. Instructionally embedded tasks used with all DLM students. States may choose to use aggregate data for summative purposes (state decision).* Summative assessment for accountability for those states that choose not to use the embedded tasks for accountability. Two options for summative assessment** Developed by The Center for K – 12 Assessment & Performance Management at ETS. For detailed information on DLM, go to Alternate Assessment System English Language Arts and Mathematics, Grades 3–8 and High School

The ASSETS * English Language Proficiency Assessment System ANNUAL SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT *ASSETS stands for Assessment Services Supporting English Learners Through Technology Systems and is a collaborative of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, member states, and World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA). **The screener is to be given when a student enters a school or is first identified as potentially needing English learner services. Summative assessment for accountability Periodic, on-demand interim assessments, as locally determined DIGITAL LIBRARY of formative resources based on learning progressions; administration and accommodation manuals; professional development resources and materials; sample test items and tasks; online reporting system. ON-DEMAND SCREENER** Interim Assessment The use, number, and timing of interim assessments will be locally determined. Developed by The Center for K – 12 Assessment & Performance Management at ETS. For detailed information on ASSETS, go to English Language Assessment System English Language Proficiency, Grades K–12

Assessment Consortia Resources 12 April_2012_Final.PDF  Report by ETS  Descriptions of all consortia  Presentation slides and resources available ml  Smarter Balance sample assessment items

Smarter Balance 13 Three Parts: Interim, Summative and Formative 1.Interim (open anytime) – Take away the mystery of the test at the end of the year! Pre-test students This is a non-secure item bank Teachers can create their own assessment or use provided test templates

Smarter Balance 14 Three Parts: Interim, Summative and Formative 2.Summative (Window – 12 weeks in the spring) Secure Item Bank Online Computer Adaptive Technology The next question is based on your answer to the current question. Like the Nursing Boards, GRE, etc. Question can be from the previous year or, if you are advanced, from the next year. Everyone will have a different test All types of questions and several sessions SR, CR, PE, TE Grades 3-8, and11

Smarter Balance 15 Three Parts: Interim, Summative and Formative 3.Formative (open anytime) Teacher help center Scoring rubrics, tools for teaching, videos, tools for student evaluation Social professional networking, collaboration, pooling resources Professional development

Technology Readiness 16 All the consortia assessments are technology based. Completing the technology readiness survey and updating it is very important.  Make sure your tech people are completing this and keeping it up to date.  Call the Assessment Section if you need technical assistance with the survey. Keep new technology specifications in mind when making purchases. Plan for bandwidth upgrades.

Missouri Assessment Program Transition 17 Grades – Normal testing, except PE and WP are BACK in all content areas! Pilot of Smarter Balance assessments – Normal testing, except moving the Communication Arts and Mathematics assessments to align as closely as possible to CAS without changing test design or blueprint. Field test of Smarter Balance assessments – Implement Smarter Balance assessments in English/language arts and mathematics. Science assessments remain in place.

Missouri Assessment Program Transition 18 EOC – Normal testing, except PE and WP are BACK in all Algebra I, English II, Biology! – Normal testing – Normal testing with a field test of CCSS items in all mathematics and English language arts assessments.

Missouri Assessment Program Transition 19 MAP-A – Normal testing – Normal testing with field test of Dynamic Learning Maps assessment – New assessments in English language arts and mathematics. Science assessments remain in place.

Missouri Assessment Program Transition 20 English language proficiency – Normal testing using ACCESS for ELLs – Normal testing using ACCESS for ELLs with field test of ASSETS assessment – New ASSETS assessment for testing English language proficiency

NCLB Waiver “No more banking of scores” How will this affect you?  Watch/listen to the webinar  Read the FAQs  Talk to your assessment people 21

Help us communicate with you! 22 Core Data Screens This is how the Assessment Section contacts your district with important information. We recommend not using the superintendent for everything. Make sure you can receive from DESE. Read the DESE s. Get the information to the correct people. Many of s are time sensitive. Web-based trainings and meetings will commence in September. Watch for information!

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