Agenda for Today’s Webcast Overview of Title I Description of Title I Description of the two types Title I Programs (Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide Programs) Outline the process that schools will need to undertake in order to become a Schoolwide Program (SWP) School. Walk through the SWP proposal Discuss next steps and timeline Questions and comments
Overview of Title I
What is the Purpose of Title I? What is Title I? The largest federal aid program for improving the academic achievement of disadvantaged students. Originally enacted under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. ESEA was reauthorized under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) and signed into law in January 2002. What is the Purpose of Title I? The goal of NCLB and purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. Source:
How is the Goal of NCLB and the Purpose of Title I Accomplished? Providing greater decision making authority and flexibility to schools. Providing students an enriched and accelerated educational program Promoting schoolwide reform and ensuring the access of children to effective, scientifically based instructional strategies and challenging academic content. Significantly elevating the quality of instruction by providing staff in participating schools with substantial opportunities for professional development. Affording parents substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children. Ensuring that high-quality academic assessments, accountability systems, teacher preparation and training, curriculum, and instructional materials are aligned with challenging state academic standards. Meeting the educational needs of low-achieving children in high poverty schools. Closing the achievement gap between high- and low-performing students. Holding schools, districts, and states accountable for improving the academic achievement of all students. Distributing and targeting resources sufficiently to make a difference to schools where needs are greatest. Improving and strengthening teaching, and learning. Source:
How Does Title I Work? Title I funding is allocated by the federal government to states for distribution to eligible districts and schools. In NYC, school eligibility is determined by the percentage of students eligible for free lunch (poverty percentage).
What are the Two Types of Title I Programs? Title I Targeted Assistance Program (TA) Title I Schoolwide Plan Program (SWP)
What is a Title I Targeted Assistance Program? A Targeted Assistance school (TA) is one that: receives Title I Part A funds to target services to a select group of children--those identified as not meeting, or most at risk of not meeting the State's challenging content standards--rather than for overall school improvement. targeted students are the only students in the school that are eligible to participate in a Title I funded activity.
Characteristics of a Title I Targeted Assistance Program Title I Targeted Assistance Programs Focus on improving the achievement of Title I eligible students Eligible students are selected on the basis of academic need Title I funds must supplement the state and local resources received by the school School consultation with parents/guardians of Title I eligible students regarding program planning and use of funding Detailed records must be maintained to document the use of Title I funding
What is a Title I Schoolwide Program? A Schoolwide Program (SWP) is: built on school-wide reform strategies, rather than separate, add-on services. address the educational needs of children with comprehensive strategies for improving the whole school so every student achieves high levels of academic proficiency. The Purpose of a Schoolwide Program is… The purpose of a Schoolwide Program is to improve academic achievement throughout a school so that all students, particularly the lowest-achieving students, demonstrate proficiency related to the state’s academic content standards.
Characteristics of a Title I Schoolwide Program Operationalizes a comprehensive plan that improves the overall educational program for all children in the school. Stimulates comprehensive reform of the entire instructional program, rather than operating separate and fragmented add-on programs. Addresses the needs of students in an integrated way. School consultation with parents/guardians of Title I eligible students regarding program planning and use of funding Utilizes federal resources in ways that can most effectively raise the achievement of students.
Benefits of a Title I Schoolwide Program Allows schools to integrate programs, strategies, and resources to support school-wide reform. Flexibility of Title I SWP funding enables schools to move away from fragmented programs by developing and implementing a single, coherent instructional plan for the whole school that addresses the educational needs of all children. Funds can be used from Title I, Part A and other federal education program funds and resources to upgrade the entire educational program of the school in order to raise academic achievement for all the students.
Approaches to Schoolwide Reform A Schoolwide Program allows a Title I school greater flexibility to create an environment that supports instructional excellence. Designing more personalized instructional strategies where staff can know students individually and follow their social and academic progress closely Integrating professional development for monolingual and bilingual/ESL staff into the ongoing instructional activities of the school, for example, through multidisciplinary planning, common preparation periods, and locally designed professional support Using instructional time more effectively, for example, through longer periods that allow for in-depth instruction, and eliminating the use of pull-out programs that reduce the amount of time students spend out of the classroom during the school day Involving parents in their children's education through greater collaboration with teachers and other school staff, and increased engagement in the school's education program SAMPLE STRATEGIES
Comparing Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide Programs Characteristic Schoolwide Program Targeted Assistance Student Eligibility All students in the school participate in the Schoolwide Program. Students who are not meeting or most at risk of not meeting New York State’s content standards. Scope of Program Whole-school instructional reform that leads to achievement by all students of high State and citywide standards. Assistance for students with the greatest educational need in order to help them achieve the same high State and citywide standards expected of all students. Planning School-based planning and a comprehensive school plan are required; one year of planning required prior to implementation of a new Schoolwide Program. School-based planning required; while schools plan their Schoolwide Programs, they continue as Title I Targeted Assistance schools.
Comparing Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide Programs Characteristic Schoolwide Program Targeted Assistance Student Participation All students Students who are most at risk of not meeting the State’s challenging standards. Preferred Instructional Approach Comprehensive building-wide instructional reform that supports achievement of high standards by all students (approaches include Bilingual/ESL programs and native language content area instruction and materials). Approaches that lead to achievement of high standards by participating students. Preferably approaches do not reduce the time participants spend in the regular classroom: for example, push-in and after school programs.
Comparing Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide Programs Characteristic Schoolwide Program Targeted Assistance Use of Funds Flexibility in combining Title I funds from federal, State, and local resources, with the exception of special education and funds allocated specifically for ELL students; funds are used to benefit all students in the school, but must be used for supplemental services, e.g. providing Academic Intervention Services to identified students. Funds may not be combined with other federal, State, and local resources; funds must be used to benefit participating students. Identification of Participating Students In accordance with the Title I law, “no school participating in a Schoolwide Program shall be required to identify particular children as eligible to participate in this program or to provide supplemental services to such children.” All records that were traditionally maintained for the Title I program should continue to be maintained.
Comparing Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide Programs Characteristic Schoolwide Program Targeted Assistance Supplement Not Supplant In no case may Title I funds supplant the State and local resources that are otherwise allocated to the school. Consultation with parents/ guardians Consultation with parents/guardians of children participating in the program is required. In New York City, Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 establishes the SLT as the vehicle responsible for facilitating consultation with Title I parent representatives regarding the Title I program planning and the use of the Title I funding.
How Does a School Become a Schoolwide Program? The decision to become SWP is voluntary. It is based on the joint agreement of the school’s staff, parents and administrators to plan for and implement a Schoolwide Program. Step 1: The core members of the SLT (Principal, UFT Chapter Leader and the President of the PA/PTA) agrees to apply. Step 2: The school undertakes a formal school vote for staff and for parents. Step 3: The school develops and submits the SWP Planning Proposal to the Office of School Development. Step 4: The Office of School Development notifies schools of the approval of the SWP Planning Proposal in June. Step 5: The school develops the CEP for 2011-12. The core members of the SLT must consult with the Chairperson of the Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC) or Title I Parent Subcommittee of the PA or PTA and other members of the School Leadership Team.
How Do We Conduct a Vote to Become a Title I SWP School? Staff Vote: A vote of approval of 60% of the non-supervisory staff (teachers, paraprofessionals, DC37) that attend the meeting. The UFT Chapter Leader facilitates the staff voting process (this meeting may also be co-facilitated by the DC 37 representative). Parent Vote: A majority parent vote by parents/guardians who vote at a well-advertised meeting. The PA or PTA President facilitates the parent voting process. Principal/Administration Approval: Principal approval after consultation with all appointed administrators. Participation in the planning of a SWP requires the agreement of all three constituencies.
Completing the Schoolwide Planning Proposal Signature Page: Complete all information requested and provide all applicable signatures in blue ink. An original copy of the signature page must be submitted to complete your school’s SWP proposal.
Completing the Schoolwide Planning Proposal School Leadership Team Membership: Enter names of all team members and constituency group each represents (e.g., staff, parent) Please include student members (for high schools only) No signatures are required.
Completing the Schoolwide Planning Proposal Question 1: School Description Reference your Comprehensive Educational Plan, grant proposals, new school educational plan in providing a narrative description of your school in this section.
Completing the Schoolwide Planning Proposal Question 2: Collaborative Experiences Describe the ways in which your school engages in collaborative discussions around the needs of the student population and how to best address those needs in planning educational programs, e.g. SLT monthly meetings Faculty conferences/grade level meetings/SLC meetings PA or PTA meetings CEP planning process External partnerships Question 3: Current Whole School Reform Initiatives If applicable, indicate any whole school reform initiatives your school has recently participated in or is currently engaged in. If not applicable, indicate N/A.
Question 4: Needs Assessment Completing the Schoolwide Planning Proposal Question 4: Needs Assessment In this section, describe the activities your school will engage in to determine the needs of your student population and the efficacy of current educational programs to enable you to design an effective Schoolwide Program as part of your 2011-12 CEP. Examples of activities may include: Review of Progress Report Data Review of Accountability Overview Report (School Report Card) Analysis of student performance on state assessments Analysis of data from the Periodic Assessments Analysis of student, parent and staff surveys, etc.
Question 5: Communication With Your School Community Completing the Schoolwide Planning Proposal Question 5: Communication With Your School Community 5a- How did your School Leadership Team inform parents and staff about the Schoolwide Program Planning Initiative? Documentation such as flyers, letters, notices, e-mails, sign-in sheets, minutes, agendas are needed. Written notification to parents/guardians must be translated, if needed. 5b- How will your team ensure ongoing communication with staff and parents/guardians? (e.g., school meetings of the PA, PTA, SLT)
Question 6: Determination of Voluntary Participation Completing the Schoolwide Planning Proposal Question 6: Determination of Voluntary Participation Describe processes and procedures conducted to facilitate staff and parent and principal/administrator agreement. Include documentation such as: Certification letter from the UFT Chapter Leader and/or DC 37 Representative to verify the outcome of staff vote Certification letter from PA or PTA President to verify the outcome of the parent vote Attendance sheets Meeting agendas Meeting minutes
Question 7: Shared Decision-Making Process Completing the Schoolwide Planning Proposal Question 7: Shared Decision-Making Process Describe the process your School Leadership Team will use to make decisions, i.e., Shared decision making protocols consistent with SLT bylaws. Consensus decision making is required under Chancellor’s Regulation A-655.
Question 8: Feedback and Approval Completing the Schoolwide Planning Proposal Question 8: Feedback and Approval Describe the process your SLT will use to gather feedback from the school community regarding the CEP. This may include: Input and feedback gathered from constituency groups at monthly SLT meetings, including Title I parent representatives. Discussion of key plan components at PA or PTA meetings, faculty conferences and grade meetings. Plan shared via email to constituent groups in advance of SLT meeting dates.
Question 9: Technical Assistance Completing the Schoolwide Planning Proposal Question 9: Technical Assistance Technical assistance may include: Your participation in: On-demand webinars Network and school-based meetings conducted by technical assistance providers. Technical assistance provided by staff from: NYCDOE Office of School Development Senior Grants Officer CFN Staff
Question 10: Planning Activities Completing the Schoolwide Planning Proposal Question 10: Planning Activities Describe planning activities that you will conduct this year to prepare for your Schoolwide Program.
Next Steps Complete and fax the School Leadership Team Core Member Certification Letter in Support of School’s Title I Schoolwide Planning (Title I SWP) Proposal for 2011-2012 by May 23, 2011 to 866-857-0758. Develop and submit your SWP Planning Proposal by June 13, 2011 Mail staff/parent certification letters to: Gwen Hopkins Director, Title I/NCLB Program Support and Compliance Office of School Development New York City Department of Education 52 Chambers Street, Room 219 New York, NY 10007 Office of School Development will notify schools of SWP planning proposal approval by June 20, 2011. Approved SWP Planning Schools develop a CEP for 2011-12 that is reflective of all schoolwide planning requirements and inclusive of all required components of Title I Schoolwide program. The CEP serves as the Schoolwide Program Plan.
Tentative TIMELINE OF 2010-11 SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAM PLANNING ACTIVITIES Activity Timeline Professional development and technical assistance on the benefits and requirements of SWP delivered via webcast at and login May 20, 2011 Fax the School Leadership Team Core Member Certification Letter located on page 10 of the proposal template to the Office of School Development at 866-857-0758. May 23. 2011 Eligible schools (i.e., staff and parents) make the decision to become a Title I Schoolwide Program (based on agreement among core SLT members and affirmative results of staff and parent voting) and submit SWP planning proposals. May/June2011 School SWP planning proposals submitted to the Office of School Development. June 13, 2011 Participating schools notified of the approval of their SWP planning proposals. June 20, 2011 Approved SWP schools develop draft Comprehensive Educational Plans for 2011-2012 that are reflective of all SWP planning requirements and inclusive of all required components of a Title I Schoolwide Program. September 2011
Questions or Comments For more information, please contact: CFN Grants Liaison CFN/Network Leaders Senior Grants Officer (SGO) assigned to your network Office of School Development at 212-374-5757