Jackson County Comprehensive High School Scott Smith, Principal Jason Holcombe, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Joe Lancaster, Assistant Principal Kendra Phillips, Assistant Principal for Instruction Fall 2011 Accountability Report …committed to the relentless pursuit of educational excellence!
Demographic Information Number of Students- JCCHS Number of Students-Lighthouse Academy 1232 TOTAL ENROLLMENT Free and Reduced Lunch 265 Students 27% 406 Students 41% Students with Disabilities 100 Students 10% 148 Students 15%
Level of Certificate 3% 19% 43% 29% 6%
Years of Experience Number of Years Number of Teachers Percentage 0-346% % %
JCCHS Goals Increase the graduation rate to meet or exceed No Child Left Behind Standards All students will reach high standards Economically Disadvantaged Students will exhibit characteristics of good citizenship Improve communication among all stakeholders
The Four Guiding Questions 1)What do we want students to know, understand, and be able to do? 2)How do we know when students know, understand, and are able to do? 3)What do we do when students don’t know, understand, and are not able to do? 4)What do we do when they already know, understand, and are able to do?
What do we want students to know, understand and be able to do? Curriculum/Instruction Vertical Alignment-Math and Science Collaboration Summer-academic areas During School Year 9 th Grade Literature and Composition Math Support
How do we know if students know it, understand it and are able to do it? Assessment Benchmarks/Common Assessments Standardized Tests Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT) Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT) End of Course Tests (EOCT)
Graduation Rate Student Achievement Goal Area Performance Objective Subgroups Baseline NCLB 70% 2009 NCLB 75% 2010 NCLB 80% 2011 NCLB 85% Goal 2012 NCLB 90% All 69.3%69%79.1% 83.5% 85.3% Economically disadvantaged 65.6%63.1%69% 78.3%80.6% Students with disabilities 21.3%19.4%38.5% 40%47.2 % African American students 62.5% N/A Hispanic students 76.5% N/A 81.3% 87.5%93.1 % White students 68.5%68%78.5% 81.7%83.3 % Asian/Pacific Islander 88.9%N/A 93.8% 100 % YearGoal % % % % % %
English Goal Area Performance Objective Performance IndicatorGradesSubjectBaseline Goal 2012 By Spring, 2012, Jackson County High School will increase the percentage of students exceeding proficiency standards by 15% in every academic area by grade level. GHSGT: % of Students at level % -51%=54%=60%+65% EOCT: % of Students at level 3 9 th Grade Lit. and Comp. 16%36%+31%+41%+31% EOCT: % of Students at level 3 American Lit. 25%33%+35%+39%+40% Student Achievement English
Mathematics Goal Area Performance ObjectivePerformance IndicatorGradesSubjectBaseline Goal 2012 By Spring, 2012, Jackson County High School will increase the percentage of students exceeding proficiency standards by 15% in every academic area by grade level. GHSGT: (QCC) % of Students at level %+50%+46%-47%=66% EOCT: (QCC) % of Students at level 3 Math I 8%-19%+47% EOCT: (QCC) % of Students at level 3 Math II 10%+9%=25% Mathematics Student Achievement GPS QCC ----
Science Goal Area Performance ObjectivePerformance IndicatorGradesSubjectBaseline Goal 2012 By Spring, 2012, Jackson County High School will increase the percentage of students exceeding proficiency standards by 15% in every academic area by grade level. GHSGT: % of Students at level %-40%- 52%-68%+ 52% EOCT: % of Students at level 3 Biology 24%33%+ 28%+38%+ 39% EOCT: % of Students at level 3 Physical Science 47%52%+ 47%+55%+ 62% Student Achievement Science
Social Studies Goal Area Performance ObjectivePerformance IndicatorGradesSubjectBaseline Goal 2012 By Spring, 2012 Jackson County High School will increase the percentage of students exceeding proficiency standards by 15% in every academic area by grade level. GHSGT: % of Students at level %+44%+ 35%=55%+ 56% EOCT: % of Students at level 3 U S History 21%48%+ 45%+46%+ 36% EOCT: % of Students at level 3 Economics 37%46%+ 41%+37%+ 52% Student Achievement Social Studies TransitionalGPS
Writing Goal Area Performance ObjectivePerformance IndicatorGradeSubjectBaseline Goal 2012 By Spring, 2012, Jackson County High School will increase the percentage of students exceeding proficiency standards by 15% in every academic area by grade level. Georgia High School Writing Assessment: % of students scoring“exceeds” 114%-6%- 11%+ 4%-19% Georgia High School Writing Assessment: % of students passing 1188%- 91%+ 96%+100% Student Achievement Writing
Students with Disabilities Goal Area Performance ObjectivePerformance IndicatorGradesSubjectBaseline Goal 2012 By Spring, 2012, Jackson County High School will increase the percentage of students with disabilities scoring performance levels 2 and 3 in Reading, English, and Mathematics by 10%. GHSGT: % of students at level 2 and % 52% 42%53% GHSGT: % of students at level 2 and %74% 60% 36%70% English Math Students with Disabilities (SWD) GPSGPS
Attendance Goal Area Performance Objective Performance IndicatorIdentifierBaseline ALL 95%96%95.995%95.565% Citizenship Jackson County High School will have an average monthly attendance that will meet or exceed 95%. Average monthly attendance
Discipline Goal Area Performance Objective Performance IndicatorIdentifierBaseline ALL *October FTE *10.5% (107) *9.2% (87) *9.3% (88) *10% (97) Citizenship Jackson County High School will reduce the number of discipline referrals resulting in out of school suspension by 3% annually Number of students suspended out of school
Communication Jackson County High School will improve communication among parents, community, staff, and administration Goal Area Performance Objective Performance IndicatorIndicator Parent logins on Infinite Campus ALL 23,97041,51948,23254,662 Student logins on Infinite Campus ALL ,87224,86422,809 Monthly NewsletterALL N/A272283N/A Weekly CalendarALL N/A parents 121-JCCHSDL 28-Central office Parents 109-JCCHSDL Communication Jackson County High School will improve communication among parents, community, staff, and administration.
What do we do for students who are not getting it? Extended Learning Time (25 minutes each day) Specific Courses-Math I, Math II, Biology, Physical Science, Economics Re-testers for GHSGT and GHSWT Credit Recovery Options ESOL Prepare Juniors for GHSWT
ELT Options AP Biology Dave Ramsey Financial Course for Seniors Honors/AP Classes Post Secondary Option-Dual Enrollment Nursing Essentials I/II-27 Others-6 Gainesville College, UGA) Courses on JCCHS Campus for Governors Honors Program SAT Course/Options What do we do for students who already know, understand, and are able to do it? Acceleration
Celebrations AYP APPROVED 2011-Met AYP 2010-Did Not Meet 2009-Met AYP 2008-Did Not Meet 2007-Met AYP 2006-Met AYP 2005-Met AYP 2004-Met AYP
Celebrations Graduation Rate-85.3% GACHE Grant-$6500 National Merit Scholar Semi-Finalist GHSWT-96% Passed Teacher of the Year-Scott Holtzclaw Outstanding FACS Teacher-Lydia Black Governor’s Honors Program-2 Students (Social Studies and Trumpet) AP Scores (7 students scored 5, 18 students scored 4) Athletics Girls Cross Country –Region Champions 8AA Girls Softball-Ranked 7 th in State Madison Whitmire-8AA Player of the Year and First Team All - Region Cheerleaders-6 th in State
Six Essentials for Schools of Excellence S. Smith Believe that every student makes a difference, every student changes the world. Partner with parents to prepare their children mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally to become the leaders of the future. Are motivated by love. Do everything with excellence. Talk to people, not about people. Enjoy the journey.
Goals for THIS YEAR Six Essentials SMART Board Technology Data Analysis Reading/Writing Across the Curriculum Reduce Tardies Meet Graduation Rate