English Language Learners Directors’ Meeting Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
Required in NCLB Intended to show that ELL students are making progress and that the programs that serve them are serving them well Accountability
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives What are they? AMAO 1 - Student Progress AMAO 2 – Proficiency AMAO 3 – AYP for ELLs
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives AMAO Targets Progress 95%/85%* Proficient 95%/10% AYP for ELL population – same as rest of state AYP calculations
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives What are the requirements? State issue AMAO status annually Schools take remedial steps if necessary State provide a support network for schools not making AMAOs State impose sanctions where/when necessary
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives State issue AMAO status annually Not done in the past Because…… Going forward Before end of school year for past four years In August/September for future years
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives Schools take remedial steps if necessary Parental notification School Improvement Plan Considerations about method/staffing
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives State provide a support network for schools not making AMAOs
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives State impose sanctions where/when necessary Letter of Notification to Parents from LEA Plan to improve program Change of program/personnel Special Michigan Issue – notification letter across the state
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives Notification of Status Before end of the school year Again in the fall for upcoming school year
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives Questions????
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives Contact: Betty Underwood, Interim Director Office of School Improvement Linda Forward, Supervisor Academic Support Unit
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives Contact Information: Linda Forward, Supervisor Academic Support Unit