Strategic Planning for Illinois Tech Prep: A Statewide Effort to Improve Accountability National Tech Prep Network November 3, 2006 Catherine Kirby Office of Community College Research and Leadership University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
About OCCRL Research and Evaluation Extensive TP research as NCRVE site CTE Best Practices Academic Pathways to Access and Student Success (APASS) Dual Credit CTE Transition Pathways ABE/GED Adult Career Pathways Your state’s APASS profile can be found at
In 1999, OCCRL and the ICCB co-created the Tech Prep Evaluation System (TPES) 1.Onsite Review & Improvement Process 2.Consortium-level Proposal and Budget Development Process 3.Annual Final Programmatic Reports 4.Monitoring of enrollments and outcomes 5.Website ( System Components:
TPES Goals Establish systematic data collection Gain understanding of Consortium activities and outcomes Identify strengths and areas for improvement Use findings for program improvement Disseminate findings for stakeholders
At the end of the 1 st 5-year cycle… We knew the process was working Evaluation questions reflected improvement and included more sensitive measures as local implementation matured On-Site visits were shortened due to constraints on staff resources ICCB & OCCRL determined to continue evaluation improvement with “fresh eyes” taking advantage of the time waiting for reauthorization of Perkins IV We waited … and waited…
Operationalizing the Process (1) Announced the process at the Fall Forum for Excellence Provided Consortium “Snapshots” that revealed data Selected statewide Advisory Committee Created planning matrix including what, why, when, how, who and outcomes predicted
Operationalizing the Process (2) Conducted 4 regional meetings Presented formative findings at state meetings Met mid-year with TPSP Advisory Committee Updated members with info from the field Formed strategic issue subgroups Reviewed and drafted state vision statement Met with Advisory Committee again in Spring Solidified working group issues OCCRL proceeded with data issues tasks
Regional Meetings Introduced Strategic Planning as a model Provided a statewide Environmental Scan Drafted vision statements Discussed regional critical issues Identified and prioritized outcomes not being measured (accurately or at all) Identified issues that impact data collection
The TP Strategic Planning Process Create Vision/Mission Conduct Environmental Scan Determine Strategic Issues Establish & Review SMART Goals Benchmark practices Assess Outcomes See:
Creating a Vision “College Tech Prep provides a seamless transition from secondary to postsecondary education, preparing students for advanced academic studies and high skill careers.”
Conducting an Environmental Scan This process was designed to acknowledge that consortia face issues unique to their regions and environments. We provided resources for consortia to consult.
Determining Strategic Issues Improve Data Accountability Collaborate to Reduce the Need for Remediation Improve Curriculum Integration Working group statements will be posted at:
Establishing SMART Goals Specific Measurable Agreed-upon Realistic Time-Bound Designed to address the state’s strategic objectives.
Benchmarking Practices We wanted this to be an objective process. Proposal emphasized the need for outcomes that demonstrated the “best practice” nature of the program. Call for nominations went out in late spring. Blind review process determined designees. Four practices were chosen. They were featured at the Fall Forum for Excellence.
Assessing Outcomes Outcomes of the process were presented to the ICCB in the Fall, 06 Strategic Issues continue to be on the state’s radar screen as we begin to think within the context of Perkins IV
“Lessons Learned” from the Strategic Planning Process “Lessons Learned” from the Strategic Planning Process Data accountability must be improved. Consortia seek improved communication and clearer definitions, expectations, and processes. Turnover of consortium level leadership affects the ability to improve Tech Prep. Consortia have limited ability to affect or influence local level change. Consortia welcome and are receptive to state-level direction for Tech Prep.
“Lessons Learned” from the Strategic Planning Process “Lessons Learned” from the Strategic Planning Process Consortia that work toward improvement are discouraged when consortia that do not are not faced with consequences. Consortia perceive the impact of NCLB has affected Tech Prep in negative ways. Support is needed to promote Tech Prep as a viable college pathway. Practitioners benefit from exposure to the broader arena of educational reform of which Tech Prep is a part, and thereby, expand the possibilities for change at the local level.
Contact Information: Catherine Kirby, Information Specialist Office of Community College Research and Leadership University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 127 Children’s Research Center 51 Gerty Drive Champaign, IL PH: