Assessment and Testing Performance Nancy Young Interim Director of Assessment and Interventions Brandon Lagerquist Student Learning Data Analyst
To inform instruction To make decisions at all levels of the organization To dig deeper to reveal areas for improvement
4 th grade historical results 7 th grade historical results 10 th grade historical results
NCLB Annual Accountability Measure District and school performance measured across multiple sub-groups. Which sub-groups are measured varies drastically dependent upon group size.
Name of system changed to: Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program (WCAP). GRADES 3-8 TEST: Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) Reading, Writing, and Science use same item banks as WASL HIGH SCHOOL TEST: High School Proficiency Exams (HSPE) Reading, Writing, Math, and Science use same item banks as WASL. All CAA and CIA Options still exist.
Testing offered on-line in Spring 2010 Initially, only open to grades 6-8. Available to all grades in Shorter Tests Each test designed to be completed in one day Time to complete varies from one to two hours. Different Testing Window May for paper/pencil and May 3 – June 4 for on-line testing.
Common and consistent district-level assessments Comprehensive assessment plan at elementary Assessment literacy professional development On-line MSP at TJH and Sunrise spring 2010