What do you know about Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?
Creating Curricular Opportunities in the Digital Age Universal Design for Learning
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To get a basic understanding of UDL: – Influences and concepts (what) – Learning variability (why) – Application and use (how) Understanding the relationship between UDL and the three brain networks (Affective, Strategic, and Recognition) Our goals for today:
Universal design for learning is a scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice tha ( a) provides flexibility in the ways information is presented, in the ways students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and in the ways students are engaged; and (b) reduces barriers in instruction, provides appropriate accommodations, supports, and challenges, and maintains high achievement expectations for all students, including students with disabilities and students who are limited English proficient. Higher Education Opportunity Act UDL: The Definition
UDL provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone--not a single, one-size-fits-all solution but rather flexible approaches that can be customized and adjusted for individual needs a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. UDL: The Framework
UD Neuroscience Digital Technology UDL: Influences
“the myth of average” Individuals are continually shifting. Individuals exist in relationship to the environment including the classroom. Variability is the rule, not the exception. Individual qualities or abilities are not static and fixed. Variability and difference constitutes the norm from student to student even among those who seem to share similar characteristics of age, culture, level or success, race. (Hall, Meyer, Rose, 2012)
Learner Variability
A quick variability example... Watch Video
And another why…
National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard Higher Education Opportunity Act Common Core State Standards Initiative National Educational Technology Plan UDL Bill COMAR UDL Policy
OSEP UDL Toolkit UDL in – 2007 draft House NCLB bill – Higher Education Act of 2008 – House/Senate LEARN ACT – Guidance on ARRA – National Educational Technology Plan – Administration’s Blue print for ESEA – OSEP Personnel Preparation Grants Where is UDL in Federal Policy and Legislation?
The UDL Framework
The UDL Guidelines What the PHYSICAL SPACE looks like What the PHYSICAL SPACE looks like What the TEACHER Is doing What the TEACHER Is doing What the STUDENT is doing What the STUDENT is doing
Three Core Principles
Low-tech, mid-tech, high-tech
Multiple Representations of the Guidelines National UDL Center - Examples and Resources National UDL Center - Examples and Resources UDL Interactive Wheel Low Tech Wheel UDLinks app (on android or apple device)androidapple
The Brain Networks Complete Your Three Brain Networks.Your Three Brain Networks
UDL Tools: CAST UDL Exchange MSHA, October 2012
UDL Tools: CAST e-Books MSHA, October
UDL Tools: CAST BookBuilder MSHA, October 2012
UDL Tools: CAST UDL Studio MSHA, October 2012
UDL Tools: iSolveIt App MSHA, October
UDL Tools: Science Writer MSHA, October id=49AC32D0EA01E FBEAB389068
UDL Tools: AT Match-Up Tool MSHA, October
“Start with the goal and the content. What do you want to teach?” - David Rose, CAST UDL is not an all or nothing proposition
“Ultimately, what will separate new curricula from old is that they will reflect a new ecology for learning. That new ecology will put students at the center of the learning environment. And all students will not only learn, each in their own way; they also will teach. Every curriculum will not only teach, it will learn. In so doing, we will create an optimal ecology for learning, one in which the paths to learning are rich and diverse enough for all our students.” -Rose and Gravel, 2012
Reflection What the PHYSICAL SPACE looks like What the PHYSICAL SPACE looks like What the TEACHER Is doing What the TEACHER Is doing What the STUDENT is doing What the STUDENT is doing