East Carolina University Webinar – March 12, :30 PM Master of School Administration (MSA) “Preparing Leaders Through Service” Dr. Art RouseDr. Art Rouse, Interim Chair of LEED LEED Dr. Marjorie RinglerDr. Marjorie Ringler, MSA/PFP Coordinator Dr. Tom WilliamsDr. Tom Williams, LEED Outreach 1
Discussion Agenda The Master of School Administration (MSA) degree programMaster of School Administration (MSA) The NC Principal Fellows Program The NC Principal Add-On License Program Admission Guidelines – Graduate School Cohort delivery models Questions/Answers 2
ECU MSA Highlights 1 in 7 NC School Leaders are ECU MSA Alumni (2012) ECU’s MSA nationally recognized by the Educational Leadership Constituents Council (ELCC) - only one in NCEducational Leadership Constituents Council (ELCC) ELCC is a constituency group comprised of: American Association of School Administrators (AASA) Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). Service Learning Projects allows MSA students to engage school stakeholders in school-based “problems of practice” Largest Principals Fellow Program in NC Since 2009, 83 licensed school leaders per year 3
The MSA Context The MSA degree prepares individuals to become school leaders as: Problem-solvers Communicators Innovators Collaborators Change agents 4
The MSA Admission Guidelines Entry level school license – SP 2 Minimum three years teaching/school experience Completed ECU Graduate School Application Three letters of reference MAT or GRE score at or above 30 th percentile MA and Professional License Waiver After Graduate School Notifies LEED of Application Skype Interview Writing Sample Scenarios Application Deadline : April 1 (NCPF January 15) 5
MSA Degree and Licensure Successful completion of the MSA degree and portfolio requirements lead to two licenses: PNorth Carolina Principal SCurriculum Instructional Specialist * licensure only program leads to 012-P 6
MSA Course Structure Full-time and part-time candidates Core Coursework = 27 S.H. Internship = 15 S.H. 7
Semester SS2 2012Fall 2012Spring 2013SS1 2013SS2 2013Fall 2013Spring 2014 Course(s) And SH LEED 6901 (3) LEED 6902 (3) LEED 6903 (3) LEED 6904 (3) LEED 6905 (3) LEED 6906 (3) LEED 6921 (3) LEED 6907 (3) LEED 6922 (3) LEED 6908 (3) LEED 6924 (4) LEED 6909 (3) LEED 6925 (5) Tuition Rate and SH Distance Education (3) On Campus (6) Distance Education (6) Distance Education (6) Distance Education (6) On Campus (7) On Campus (8) MSA Course Schedule – Part-time MSA Program of Study Note: Red = Excluded from Principal Add-On License Requirements 8
North Carolina Principal Fellows Program Resident of NC BS degree from regionally accredited institution Unconditionally admitted to university Minimum of four (4) years successful teaching experience Evidence of leadership & management Practice at a NC approved site as administrator for four (4) years $30,000 year 1 / approx $40,000 year 2 Applications due January 15 th each year 9
MSA Course Schedule – Full-time MSA Program of Study Note: Includes Principal Fellows Programs SemesterFall 2012Spring 2013Fall 2013Spring 2014 Course(s)LEED 6901 (3) LEED 6902 (3) LEED 6903 (3) LEED 6904 (3) LEED 6905 (3) LEED 6906 (3) LEED 6907 (3) LEED 6908 (3) LEED 6926 (6) LEED 6909 (3) LEED 6929 (9) 10
Why ECU’s MSA Key Partnership With Local School Systems Build in upfront support for MSA Candidate Ongoing communication with intern principal Transformative Assessments Throughout Integrated Field Learning Experiences Service Leadership Projects (SLPs) Rigorous and Relevant Internship Design 11
Q & A Follow Up Contact: Dr. Tom Williams – LEED Outreach – Phone: