Today’s Outline Advocacy-Federal and State Branding-Widely Recognized Science-Driven Evidence-Based Practice Occupation-Based Practice Representative Assembly 2009 Member Motions How to Support AOTA
Centennial Vision
We envision that occupational therapy is: Powerful Widely recognized Science-driven Evidence-based Globally connected Diverse Meeting society's occupational needs
Advocacy-Federal Level Victories achieved in Medicare: –protected OT’s role in relation to provision of wheelchair evaluations Defeated requirement of RESNA’s ATP –extension of the exceptions process to prevent full implementation of the outpatient cap –assured appropriate local coverage determinations
Advocacy –Pushed back proposed Medicare reimbursement limits on outpatient OT care –Successfully amended The College Opportunity and Affordability Act to include occupational therapy in the student loan repayment program –Supported passage of the Paul Wellstone Mental Health Equity Act of 2008, to ensure equitable insurance coverage for mental health care
Advocacy Outreach was conducted to the Veterans Administration to promote the full use of occupational therapy within that health care system. –Emphasis has been issues such as low vision, mental health and PTSD. –AOTA Past President, Carolyn Baum, provided testimony to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs
Advocacy “Developing Outpatient Therapy Payment Alternatives.” –AOTA members Nancy Richman, Elizabeth Skidmore and Susan Coppola have been named to the Technical Expert Panel (TEP) for RTI and CMS related to this five year project
Advocacy Consumer Successful opposition to eliminating Medicaid Rehabilitation Services Option for community mental health centers Advocate for the Combating Autism Act Congressional Testimony on PTSD
Health Care Reform As a new President and Congress come into power & health care reform takes center stage, AOTA will: –Increase our lobbying efforts for continued consumer access to OT –Continue our public awareness campaign to help consumers and policy makers appreciate our value
Political Advocacy Made Possible AOTPAC at Republican/Democratic Conventions Amy Lamb & Penny Moyers Cleveland with Senator Grassley of Iowa AOTA Board with Representative Chris Van Hollen of MD Representative Virginia Fox of North Carolina
Advocacy-State Level Licensure started in FL MI just obtained licensure 48 states now licensed CO and HI are now targeted
Advocacy-Scope of Practice Athletic Trainers Orthotists and Prosthetists Recreational Therapists Physical Therapists
BRAND-Widely Recognized A new brand for occupational therapy, “Living Life To Its Fullest,” was unveiled in 2008 based on consumer research. Poster January 19 OT Practice.
2008 Presidential Address
Widely Recognized USA Today: use of Wii in occupational therapy Los Angeles Times & U.S. News & World Report: occupational therapy career New York Times: Sensory Processing Disorders Retirement Living TV: Universal design Washington Times: Chronic pain Focus on Healthy Aging: Arthritis Fine Living TV: Ergonomics Backpack Awareness Day (35 local newspapers & 40 local TV interviews)
Widely Recognized Consumer Education Monthly Podcast Series: Ergonomics Alzheimer’s Disease Improving U.S. Veterans’ Care Over 600 Downloads
Science-Driven and Evidence-Based AOTA is working to create a National Outcomes Database and the development of a patient record and documentation system for occupational therapy services.
Science-Driven and Evidence-Based AOTA Practice Guidelines – Adults with Stroke – published AOTA Press Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders – external review in process Clinical Conditions Related to Workers’ Compensation – published “Evidence Byte” Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease – in process Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury – in process
Science-Driven and Evidence Based Practice AOTA published Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process, 2 nd edition to create a common language for OT’s to use and for policy makers and consumers to understand. Occupation-Based Practice
Science-Driven and Evidence-Based 24 EVIDENCE BYTES in 1 Minute Update 6 EVIDENCE PERKS were in OT Practice Draft evidence-based guidelines accepted by the California Workers’ Compensation Board
Science-Driven and Evidence-Based National Institutes of Health (NIH) – AOTA provided comments for the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Strategic Plan; the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee strategic plan of the NIMH; and report language relative to National Institute of Nervous Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Outreach to the Veterans Administration to promote use of evidence-based occupational therapy with emphasis on head injury, low vision, mental health and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Science-Driven and Evidence-Based AOTA provided input into the American College of Environmental Medicine’s Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines with the following results. Clarity on the distinction between occupational therapy and physical therapy. Description of occupational therapy practitioners as “…trained to recognize both psychological and physical issues that may influence the treatment of back pain.” Emphasis on occupational therapy as having a greater focus on “cognitive behavioral, occupational, and activity- based approaches.”
Science-Driven and Evidence-Based AOTA is working to create a National Outcomes Database and the development of a patient record and documentation system for occupational therapy services.
Occupation-Based Practice OBP is inherently client centered allowing choice, influence and power to be shared in the intervention process. OBP begins with understanding the client’s valued occupations, ends with getting them back into those life activities and infuses occupation into the intervention phase through activity selection, analysis and modification »2005 AOTA occupation based practice ad hoc report
Occupation-Based Therapy The Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain & Process, 2 nd Edition –Emphasizes the profession’s focus on occupation –OT strength lies in linking activities to participation within context PROCESS –Outlines an occupation based OT PROCESS »COP, AOTA 2003 Annual Conference
Representative Assembly AOTA’s Congress Responsible for setting policy for the profession 2 Meetings: –February –March 30-April10
Member Motions Motion 1-Definition of OT/OTA Roles for the Model Practice Act Motion 2-COP Create Specialized Knowledge and Skills Oncology Paper Motion 3-Title Change for OTA’s
Member Motions Motion 4-Develop Model Requirements for Re-Entry/Re- Licensure Motion 5-Broad Practice Area Representation on Board Motion 6-Building Diversity in OT
Provide Feedback Emily Pugh Susan Skees Hermes Zoomerang Survey
Be A Member There are currently approximately 38,000 members. There are 140,000 practitioners. We are affected by a down economy which could threaten our great work on the Centennial Vision. You can insulate AOTA from this negative economy.
Why be a Member Now? Health care reform is coming and we must be at the table to ensure consumer access to occupational therapy. Occupational therapy must be widely recognized by consumers, the public, and legislators. Occupational therapy must have the science to show its effectiveness.
JOIN AOTA! The value of AOTA membership vastly outweighs the cost. For less than $19 a month—or just 62¢ a day—you get a host of tangible and intangible benefits that support you in practice. AOTA has not raised dues in years. AOTA now offers the Easy Pay Option credit card installment plan with payments of just $18.75 per month for occupational therapists and $10.92 for occupational therapy assistants. Go to and join today! Or, download the membership application and mail it to AOTA, Attn: Membership, 4720 Montgomery Lane, Bethesda, MD Enter Priority Code M2M09 and be eligible to enter a drawing for a $300 VISA Gift Card (ends March 1, 2009; drawing on March 15, 2009).
SAVE THE DATES! Houston-April 23-26, 2009 Orlando-April 29-May 2, 2010
Living Life to its Fullest