Graduate Certificate in Teaching – Phase I Getting Your Teaching License
Getting Admitted Admission to Teacher Education. – can be done through 1. TEAL – Teacher Education, Advising, and Licensure 2. The Graduate School
COED Governance College of Education Dean – Dr. Mary Lynne Calhoun Chairman Elementary Education – Dr. Bob Rickelman Graduate Coordinator – Dr. Jack Piel Your Advisor during Phase I – Dr. Jack Piel Each Instructor During Phase I --
Graduate Certificate in Teaching Cohort Model Fall Semester – Part Time Model 1. Fall Semester ELED Spring Semester ELED 5200, ELED Fall Semester ELED 5300, ELED Spring Semester ELED 5400, ELED Fall Semester ELED 6470
Spring Part time Model Spring Semester – Part Time Model 1. Spring Semester ELED Fall Semester ELED 5200, ELED Spring Semester ELED 5300, ELED Fall Semester ELED 5400, ELED Spring Semester ELED 6470
Summer Cohort Model – Full Time Summer Semester – Full Time Model 1. Summer I Semester ELED Summer II Semester ELED 5200, ELED Fall Semester ELED 5300, ELED Spring Semester ELED 5400, ELED 5401 ELED 6470
Summer Cohort: Full Time Internship You can satisfy this full time requirement by 1. Being a lateral entry teacher 2. Involved with the Teach for America program 3. Being a Teacher Assistant 4. Being a full time volunteer.
Applying for a Teacher Assistant Watch Websites for local school districts Most Principals are aware of the program Teacher Assistants become student teachers during the Spring Semester Many school districts agree to pay assistants during their Student Teaching Experience – But Not All Most openings become available in late summer.
Licensure Requirements Praxis II, Eportfolio, Arts and Healthy Living all due prior to application for licensure. Not a program requirement, this is a DPI requirement
Application for Graduate Internship Graduate Internship application must be completed during the semester prior to student teaching. Most candidates will student teach in the Spring Semester. THIS MEANS YOUR APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED DURING THE FALL SEMESTER
Office of Field Experience Application found of the OFE (Office of Field Experience) web site. Dr. Christy Luce is who you will see to finalize student teaching site. Dr. Luce will be acting Grad. Certificate in Teaching/M.A.T coordinator while Dr. Piel is out of the country.
Master of Arts in Teaching – Phase II If you haven’t been admitted to the Graduate School, you must apply. If you originally applied through the Graduate School (took the GRE or the Millers) then you are fine for Phase II. If you haven’t been admitted through the Graduate School, then you must be admitted to the Graduate School before you begin the final 12 hours of your program.
Phase II Continued Phase II also requires that you have 2 years of experience by the time you finish the final 12 hours. You don’t have to begin immediately after you finish Phase I You have six years to finish both Phase I and Phase II is you choose to complete the M.A.T.
Phase II Continued There is no difference in “status” between the M. Ed., and the M.A.T. Questions?
Phase I Planning Sheet Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Academic Planning Worksheet Elementary Education (K-6) Name: _______________________________ID__________________________ Cohort:_______________(Sem/Yr.) Phase I. The Elementary Education MAT program is divided into three phases, which must be completed in order. Phase I courses are taken in cohorts, along with fast-track, licensure-only students. All course blocks MUST be taken in the following order. For instance, ELED 5100 must be taken first, then ELED 5200 and ELED 5201 (in either order or simultaneously) must be taken next, ELED 5300 and ELED 5301 (in either order) must then be taken, etc. Upon successful completion of Phase I, students are eligible for an “A” license in Elementary Education (K-6). Course SemesterGrade ELED 5100: Intensive Orientation to Teaching (6) ____________ ELED 5200: Teaching Literacy (3) ____________ ELED 5201: Teaching Mathematics (3) ____________ ELED 5300: Assessing, Modifying, and Integrating Literacy Instruction (3) _______ _____ ELED 5301: Assessing, Modifying, and Integrating Math Instruction (3) ____________ ELED 5400: Teaching and Integrating Science (3) ____________ ELED 5401: Teaching and Integrating Social Studies (3) ____________ ELED 6470: Elementary Educ. Clinical Experience (3) ____________ (Take with or following ELED 5400 and 5401)
To Complete the Graduate Certificate in Teaching (Phase I) Cumulative GPA (Must be a 2.75 or better with no more than 2 C’s and no U’s)_____ Technology competency completed: date:____________________________ Arts contract completed: date:____________________________ Healthy Living contract completed: date: ____________________________ Praxis II Specialty Area exams passed: date:____________________________ Application for “A” License filed in TEAL office date:____________________________ This planning sheet must be submitted to the TEAL Office at the completion of Phase I, with each blank above completed and signed by your faculty advisor. These steps are required to receive your “A” license.
Phase II Planning Sheet Courses SemesterGrade RSCH 6101: Introduction to Educ. Research (3) _____________ ELED 6691A: Seminar in Prof and Leadership Dev (1) _____________ ELED 6220: Integrating the Elementary Program (3) _____________ ELED 6691B: Seminar in Prof and Leadership Dev (1) _____________ ELED 6474: Adv Prac in Tching, Lrning, and Leadership (3) _____________ ELED 6691C: Seminar in Prof and Leadership Dev (1) _____________ (Take with or after ELED 6474)
Making Application for the Advanced License Application to Candidacy filed with Graduate School date:__________________________ Application for Graduation filed with Graduate Schooldate:__________________________ Report of project/portfolio sent to Graduate School date:__________________________ Application for “Advanced” license filed in “TEAL” Office date:__________________________
ELED 5100 – Intensive Orientation to Teaching In this class you learn about Eportfolio Arts and Healthy Living Portfolio Field Experience requirements -- TA Graduate Internship (student teaching)