2011 Strategic Planning Retreat The Economics of Education: Thriving in a Difficult Economy
Alamo Colleges Strategic Goals
Student Success Policy 1.Course Completion Rates 2.Productive Grade Rates 3.Retention Rates 4.Persistence Rates 5.Graduates and Graduation Rates 6.Placement/Employment Rates 7.Transfer Rates 8.Licensure Examination Pass Rates 9.Success Rates in Developmental Education
Headcount Enrollment By College of Attendance
Alamo CollegesFY 07FY 08FY 09FY10 Productive Grade Rates67.3%68.2%69.4%71.0% Course Completion Rates80.2%83.1%84.8%86.8% Class-Based Metrics
Persistence Rates FT FTIC Fall-to Fall
Four-Year Graduation Rate
Degrees & Certificates Awarded
Percentage of students rating their entire educational experience as good or excellent?
Licensure Exam Pass Rate
Placement / Employment
Dev. Ed. Productive Grade Rates
On the Rise Enrollment Course Completion Student Success Rates Graduation Rates and Graduates Employment Placement Licensure Exam Pass Rates Student Satisfaction Student Engagement Student Success in Developmental Education
Not on the rise?
Pay for Performance
Student Success Metrics 1.Course Completion Rates 2.Productive Grade Rates 3.Retention Rates 4.Persistence Rates 5.Graduates and Graduation Rates 6.Placement/Employment Rates 7.Transfer Rates 8.Licensure Examination Pass Rates 9.Success Rates in Developmental Education
ALAMO COLLEGES 6 Year Comparison of Revenues Fiscal Year State Funding Local Taxes Tuition & Fees Other FY0635.8%34.2%24.7%5.4% FY0733.5%35.9%25.2%5.5% FY0828.7%33.5%33.1%4.7% FY0927.3%35.5%33.5%3.7% FY1025.6%33.1%38.2%3.2% FY1123.5%33.3%40.0%3.2%
State Funding for Alamo Colleges A Decade of Diminishment
In-State Undergraduates,
State Funding for AC per student contact hour :$ :$ : $ :$2.58
Presidential Perspectives 2011 Inside Higher Education Survey
Most Important Issues Confronting Community Colleges 1.Budget Shortfalls 2.Changes in State Support 3.Remediation and Student Readiness for College 4.Limits on Ability to Respond to Rising Enrollments 5.Rising Tuition /Affordability
Strategies Deployed to Address Financial Consequences of Economic Downturn 1.Budget Cuts (targeted and across-the-board) 2.Increased Proportion of Part-Time Faculty 3.Increased Tuition by 5% or More 4.Expanding Online Programs 5.Hiring Freeze 6.Launching/Expanding Partnerships with Other Institutions 7.Raised Student Fees for Campus Resources/Services 8.Changes in Benefit Levels 9.Layoffs / Furloughs 10.New Alliances with Corporate Partners
Absent Political Consequences, Strategies Would Use to Address Financial Challenges 1.Outsourcing Various Campus Services 2.Increasing Teaching Loads 3.Altering the Institutional Policy on Tenure 4.Mandating the Retirement of Older Faculty 5.Significant Cuts to Athletic Programs 6.Significantly Increasing Tuition 7.Narrowing or Shifting the Institutional Mission
Critical Deliverables 1.Improved Student Success 2.Greater Efficiencies 3.Cost-Savings Strategies
Leadership Planning Prioritizing Ownership
Strategic Planning Themes 1.Achieve cost savings while improving results 2.Secure successful completion of developmental education 3.Increase transfer and graduation rates 4.Improve communication and collaboration 5.Promote sustainability 6.Improve systems and processes 7.Develop and measure effectiveness of learning outcomes 8.Embrace financial aid as a responsibility
Priority #1 at the Alamo Colleges is: A.Student Success B.Student Success C.Student Success D.Student Success
As you understand it, the fiscal challenges facing the Alamo Colleges are: A.Severe B.Real but understated C.Real but exaggerated D.Imagined
Which Cost-Cutting Strategy Do you Least Agree With A.Across-the-board budget cuts B.Salary Cuts C.Furloughs D.Layoffs E.Unsure
Which Cost-Cutting Strategy Do you Most Agree With A.Across-the-board budget cuts B.Salary Cuts C.Furloughs D.Layoffs E.Unsure
Our Current Shared-Governance Environment Can Be Best Described As: A.High Trust B.Moderate Trust C.Low Trust D.Unsure
How effective are the Alamo Colleges at using data to aid and inform decision-making? A.Very effective B.Somewhat effective C.Not effective D.Unsure
Given our current fiscal condition, should we take steps to limit our future enrollment growth? A.Yes B.No C.Unsure