Connecticut Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR) Grant
Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform Funded by the US Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) as a technical assistance center to support states engaged in: Reforming teacher and leadership preparation programs to embed evidence based practices Revising licensure standards to align with reforms in teacher and leader preparation Refining personnel evaluation systems in teacher and leader preparation programs Realigning policy structures and professional learning systems Goal: improving outcomes for students with disabilities.
Intersection and Coherence of Reform Initiatives Educator Evaluation and Professional Learning System Reform: Performance Evaluation Advisory Council (PEAC) Pre-service preparation reform: Educator Preparation Advisory Council (EPAC) Network for Transforming Educator Preparation (NTEP) Grant CEEDAR Grant CCSS and Smarter Balanced Assessment Implementation Teacher Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Program Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI)
State Outcome for the CEEDAR Grant Design and implementation of pre-service curricula for all TEACHER candidates (special education and non-special education) in order to provide opportunities to learn and demonstrate competency in evidence-based practices to improve core and specialized instruction to support SWD, ELLs and struggling learners reach college- and career-ready (CCR) standards in reading, writing and comprehension skills in argumentation. Take a side of an argument and support it with evidence Compare/contrast the authors perspective, key points/details (Grade 3) Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably (Grade 4) Analyze texts that address similar topics in order to build knowledge (Grade 9)
National & State Ed Prep Reform Initiatives Redesign (Partnerships) CTEC (Governance Structure) Central Connecticut State University CEEDAR Gen Ed Spec Ed CCSS PBIS EBP SRBI
Goal #1: Develop a set of core practices that will be emphasized throughout all of the teacher education programs in the Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s track Goal #2: Develop a cross-endorsement licensure program for special education (SPED) and elementary education (EE)
SHARED ORIENTATION Between Special and General Education Literacy Acquisition Literacy Development Literacy Remediation CURRICULUM REDESIGN Evidence-Based Practices Clinical and Fieldwork Experiences FACULTY TRAINING & MENTORING Common Core State Standards Evidence Based Practices SRBI Process Field Supervisor Training & Mentoring USJ Program Model GOALS