Non-profit membership organization o Members are the 53 U.S. jurisdiction PT licensure boards Owns, develops, administers and validates the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) Promotes public protection through effective, consistent and evidence based regulation Serves as a regulatory issues resource: o Entry level and continuing competence o Discipline, remediation, impaired professional o Professional standards, standards of practice
FSBPT defines it as: The lifelong process of maintaining and documenting competence through ongoing self-assessment, development and implementation of a personal learning plan, and subsequent reassessment.
FSBPT Mission: To protect the public by providing service and leadership that promote safe and competent physical therapy practice PT regulatory boards/agencies enforce laws for the purpose of assuring the public of the ongoing competence of PTs and PTAs
The law in the state(s) in which you will be licensed will likely require you complete either continuing education (“CE”) or continuing competence (“CC”) activities each licensure period These laws also require you to maintain records of what you complete and demonstrate proof of compliance
As of June 2013 all but 4 states have CE or CC requirements for PTs and PTAs, but this number is shrinking There is great variation among the states on the requirements Different units Different completion deadlines Different eligible activities Many states are expanding the list of eligible activities (e.g. residencies, Clinical Instructor service, committee service...)
Failure to complete continuing education/ competence requirements was the third most frequently reported violation for PT and second for PTAs. Study conducted by Debbie Ingram, PT, EdD, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; Tom Mohr, PT, PhD, University of North Dakota; Renee Mabey, PT, PhD, University of North Dakota; and J. Randy Walker, PT, PhD, DPT, COMT, CMP, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga of disciplinary reports submitted to the FSBPT Disciplinary Database from
FSBPT has developed a system to help you track process with meeting all your CC and CE requirements
An online system for 3 user types to share CE/CC information o Licensees o Vendors (providers of CE and CC activities) o The states (licensing board or agency) Other online CE/CC recording programs exist o aPTitude o aPTitude’s purpose is to assist licensees to select, track and report their activities to meet their requirements
Find and verify current state requirements and related information Maintain information on completed CC/CE activities for the duration of your career Securely store documentation for those activities Receive reminders when license renewal and CC/CE reporting deadlines are near
Assess multiple activity offerings to facilitate informed selection Provides single place to monitor licensure records when licenses are held in multiple states Rate and comment on activities
View CC/CE requirements for all jurisdictions Share information about activities including type, title, fees, learning objectives, location, presenter(s) and schedule Receive and review feedback on activities from licensees Access information about the marketplace and design and schedule activities accordingly
Communicate CC and CE requirements to licensees in a simple and straightforward manner Automatically notify registered licensees when requirements change Verify licensees' completion of activities* Run and analyze compliance status reports* *for licensees who elect to release that information
And best of all... aPTitude aPTitude is FREE to use! FSBPT will invite you to register with your first license upon passing the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE)