Focus of the Talent Offices: Effective Teachers and School Leaders 2 Recruitment and Preparation Licensure and Certification Evaluation Professional Development Retention and Separation Well-aligned with the goals and principles of NJPSA
Recruitment and Preparation Upcoming Initiatives Embark on a state-wide marketing and recruitment campaign Begin data analysis to understand metrics around staffing, placement and performance as they relate to preparation pipelines Conduct current state analysis of preparation programs and program approval processes, followed by a blueprint for enhancements Develop and expand high-quality Teacher and Principal pipelines 3 Support the essential role of school leaders in promoting student achievement; NJPSA Goals
Licensure and Certification Upcoming Initiatives Determine correlation between current Certification tests and educator effectiveness Ensure that the preparation programs, licensure requirements and teacher evaluation processes are all integrated Review the current 3-tiered licensure system and timelines for receiving/maintaining certification 4 Alignment to teacher/leader preparation programs must occur; NJPSA Recommendation for Principal Evaluation Dec 2011
Evaluation: Needs Assessment 5 Current evaluations are subjective and fail to impact teaching practice NEW JERSEY Troubling achievement gaps 50% of community college students never graduate NATIONALLY Abundance of research cites teacher effectiveness as the most important in- school factor for improving student achievement The Widget Effect exposes failure of schools to distinguish among and recognize the effectiveness of their teachers The Obama administration highlights evaluation reform as a key commitment tied to federal policy and funding opportunities At least 32 states have recently changed their evaluation systems Evaluation reform is the most important reform lever being considered in New Jersey’s education reform discussions; NJPSA Dec 2011
Evaluation: Progress to Date and Upcoming Milestones 2010 – 2011: Governor’s Educator Effectiveness Task Force developed evaluation guidelines, emphasizing both teacher practice and student performance components 2011 – 2012: DOE implemented EE4NJ teacher evaluation pilot program with 11 pilot districts and 19 schools currently receiving School Improvement Grant (SIG) funding Evaluation Pilot Advisory Committee (EPAC) convened to provide recommendations for statewide implementation External researcher (Rutgers University) engaged 2012 – 2013: Capacity building and preparation year for all Districts including opportunity to participate in a new grant- supported pilot programs for teacher and principal pilots 6
Professional Development Upcoming Initiatives Complete the third year of a PLC pilot project which has supported 34 “lab” schools in implementing school-based, job embedded professional development. – Help implement such collaborative professional learning as a vehicle to drive student improvement across the state Research/develop a technology platform that aligns professional development with evaluation 7 Develop a strategic plan that integrates the development of PLCs with curriculum, assessment and shared leadership; NJPSA/CAR
Retention and Separation Upcoming Initiatives Develop processes to recognize success, retain our most effective, and take best practices to scale Work with stakeholders to ensure that there is fair legislation and streamlined processes for the removal of ineffective educators 8 Evaluations will serve as key evidence to facilitate the removal of non-performing staff members who fail to meet standards.; NJPSA Dec 2011