WTEP Conceptual Framework and Assessment System Preparing professional educators to be effective communicators who integrate and care
Williams Baptist College Vision Statement of the college o The result of the college’s efforts o “To produce exceptional graduates prepared to engage local and global cultures through a Christ-centered worldview.” Mission of the college o The need to society that the college provides o “To provide an excellent, holistic Christian liberal arts education, while compassionately shaping student lives.”
Williams Baptist College Brief history of the college ◦Founded in 1941 and was located in Pocahontas, AR for five years ◦In 1947, the campus was relocated to a Marine Corps Air Base near Walnut Ridge, AR. ◦Since 1984 the college has been accredited at the baccalaureate level. ◦In 1989, the Williams Baptist College Education program began. During this time, the informal work of designing a conceptual framework began.
Conceptual Framework In 1998, after an extensive examination of research, design of curriculum, evaluation of faculty and candidates, and an examination of many other facets of the education arena, the Williams Teacher Education Program Conceptual Framework was adopted. “The Williams Teacher Education Program is committed to preparing professional educators to be effective communicators who integrate and care.”
Conceptual Framework Development of the current conceptual framework was accomplished by a committee of the following WTEP stakeholders: ◦President of the College ◦Vice President of Academic Affairs ◦Williams Baptist College Board of Trustees ◦Chair of The Division of Arts and Sciences ◦Chair of The Division of Professional Studies ◦Department Chairs from the Education Unit ◦Faculty, teacher candidates, K-12 teachers and administrators Leadership was provided by National and State consultants/personnel
Conceptual Framework The goal of the Conceptual Framework Committee was to establish a body of knowledge for consideration in focusing the framework statement. The following learned societies were examined in the development of the Williams Teacher Education Program Conceptual Framework ◦Holmes group ◦National Board for Professional Teaching Standards ◦Goodlad Consortium ◦Carnegie Forum ◦Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium
Conceptual Framework The Conceptual Framework Committee members shared their research and identified commonalities that express the alignment of research to the three components of communicating, integrating, and caring. The WTEP imperative is that its teacher preparation programs share the philosophy and practices that meet this commitment for optimal preparation of teacher candidates.
Conceptual Framework - Goals Teacher candidates will competently communicate a)Their competence in content areas of the general studies. b)Their knowledge of the learning processes, especially the stages and characteristics of physical, cognitive, affective, and communicative growth and development. c)Their respective specialization and professional content. d)Their understanding of professionalism with regard to appearance, verbal and written expressions, and civility.
Conceptual Framework - Goals Teacher candidates will integrate a)Content, resources, and methods of instruction with assessment in response to students’ abilities and exceptional needs. b)Methods of classroom in instruction by using multimedia, technology, and community resources. c)Content with character education for the advantage of all learners. d)Content, character education, and methods of instruction through classroom experiences by which students will be encouraged to inquire, receive, and construct knowledge.
Conceptual Framework - Goals Teacher candidates will demonstrate that they care in the following ways: a)By exemplifying values of sharing and altruism in local, national, and global communities. b)By exhibiting commitment to all aspects of the students’ academic, social, emotional, and moral well-being. c)By involving themselves in activities and events that expand and explore their aesthetic appreciation, academic betterment, and refinement of character. d)By reflecting the attitudes of life-long learners.
Williams Teacher Education Program Assessment System
How WTEP Assesses New Applicants: Baseline Requirements: 45 semester hours completed Copy of transcript submitted to WTEP office 2.0 or better GPA in English Composition I, English Composition II, Speech & Communication, College Algebra or Contemporary Mathematics, and Introduction to Teaching Overall GPA of 2.5 or better at time of admission request
How WTEP Assesses New Applicants: Baseline Requirements (continued): Official Praxis Core scores on file in registrar’s office and meeting or exceeding minimum score requirements: 156 on Reading, 150 on Mathematics, 162 on Writing Degree Plan on file in registrar’s office and in WTEP office Autobiographical sketch on file in WTEP office Two letters of recommendation from Williams faculty Portfolio prepared for interview
How WTEP Assesses New Applicants: Dispositions: Candidates are evaluated by participating WTEP faculty on eight academic and professional dispositions: Intellectual curiosity In-class performance Communication skills Responsibility Respect for rules and policies Appearance Personal integrity Group work
How WTEP Assesses New Applicants: Admission Interviews: Conducted each semester by panel of three WTEP faculty, who evaluate applicants independently and jointly on the following criteria: Ability to respond with organized explanations Ability to respond with confidence Use of proper grammar (in spoken responses as well as in submitted documents, such as autobiography) Display of professional grooming Display of professional dress Display of poise
How WTEP Assesses New Applicants: Admission Interviews (continued): Letters of recommendation and Disposition Forms also consulted Decision options: (1) admit without conditions (2) admit with conditions (develop remediation plan) (3) deny admission at present
How WTEP Assesses Admitted Candidates: Academic Monitoring Candidates must maintain overall 2.5 GPA Dispositions Candidates regularly evaluated Remediation plan developed if deficiencies are noted
How WTEP Assesses Admitted Candidates: Praxis II Candidates must take all required Praxis II Content tests and submit official scores before enrolling in Directed Student Teaching WTEP requires minimum scores mandated by the Arkansas Department of Education Office of Professional Licensure
How WTEP Assesses Admitted Candidates: Internship Evaluations Used to gather information on the effectiveness of candidates and the WTEP program. Candidates are evaluated by cooperating teachers, WTEP supervisors, and themselves, using several methods: ◦Student Intern Evaluation ◦Early Childhood Evaluation (for P-4 candidates only) ◦Middle Level Evaluation (for Mid-Level candidates only) ◦Cooperating Teacher’s Recommendations ◦Self-Rating Evaluation ◦Student Teaching Reflections
How WTEP Assesses Admitted Candidates: Internship Evaluations (continued) Candidates also evaluate their cooperating teachers and WTEP supervisors, using following methods: ◦Cooperating Teacher Evaluation ◦Supervisor Evaluation
How WTEP Assesses Admitted Candidates: Exit Survey Face to face professional conversation with interns Teacher Work Sample Interns conduct a Pre-Post Test to assess their impact on K-12 learners: ◦This assessment was implemented in Spring 2012
How WTEP Assesses Admitted Candidates: Praxis III Evaluation of WTEP graduates based on the PATHWISE model, by a trained external assessor This assessment has been removed by the Arkansas Department of Education as a requirement for licensure
How WTEP Assesses Admitted Candidates: Employer Survey Evaluation of WTEP graduates, by a licensed K- 12 School Administrator
How WTEP Assesses Admitted Candidates: Novice Teacher Data Self Evaluation of WTEP graduates
WTEP Gates GATE 1 Praxis Core tests GATE 2 Screened for admission into the WTEP GATE 3 Admission to ED 4113 Study of the School and ED 4133 Measurement and Evaluation GATE 4 Teacher candidates must take all required Praxis II content tests prior to enrolling in Directed Student Teaching GATE 5 Teacher candidates must take the Praxis II PLT, and submit official scores GATE 6 Apply for licensure to be considered a WTEP Program Completer
WTEP Assessments Baseline Requirements Dispositions Admission Interviews ∙ Academic Monitoring ∙ Dispositions Praxis II Internship Evaluations, completed by professionals Internship Evaluations, completed by interns Teacher Work Sample Impact of intern on K- 12 learners Exit Interviews Praxis III Employer Survey Novice Teacher Data