Plain Local Schools Peer Assistance and Review Committee (PARC) Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC)
PARC Reviews and approves district Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs) Assigns Peer Consultants at request of principal OR teacher to provide support Create and update all district professional development forms Monitor collaborative action plans and new Resident Educator program
LPDC Approve licensure renewals and CEU requests Responsible for reviewing and approving course work and other professional development activities that educators propose to complete for the purpose of license/certificate renewal Correspondence with State Department of Education Office of Licensure
In the past….. All licensed educators were required to provide the district/state with: technology rubric domain effectiveness checklist an individual professional development plan designed around personal needs with 1 to 3 goals a multi-paragraph self-evaluation summary
And NOW…… All licensed educators are required to provide the district/state with the following: Cover Sheet Standards-Based Growth GOAL aligned to the Crosswalk
What is the state Crosswalk? The Ohio Academic Crosswalk is the transition to the REVISED STATE STANDARDS! PARC has created ONE REQUIRED district goal aligned to these revised state standards. Due to the Crosswalk, NO PERSONAL GOALS will be required or accepted as part of your IPDP.
What is a CEU? Continuing Education Units can be used to renew your professional teaching license. CEUs are awarded through participation in workshops and district activities. A CEU options chart is available under Staff Resources on the district website. (10) Contact Hours = (1) CEU (3) CEUs = (1) college credit hour
Renewing Your License (6) college credit hours OR (18) CEUs OR A combination of both
How do I request a CEU? CEU request forms are available online under Staff Resources Request forms and required documentation should be sent to LPDC c/o Terri Stidd at Central Office CEU requests should be submitted at the completion of each activity/workshop You may NOT receive CEU and college credit for the same activity/workshop
New Resident Teachers If you are presently working under a 4 year license as a Resident Educator, you are NOT required to submit an IPDP at this time. Your portfolio will serve as your Professional Development Plan.