First Day Slide Show ENGL 640: Shakespeare Dr. Fike
Introductions Introduce yourself to the rest of the class.
Course Description This course surveys eight plays (two from each genre or "mode"— comedy, history, tragedy, and romance) in order to illustrate Shakespeare's development over time. We will also read information on the historical background, selected historical documents, and criticism from a variety of theoretical approaches. Requirements include a research paper in multiple stages, oral presentations, class participation, and a final examination. A lesson plan is an option for those who have or who are seeking teacher licensure at the secondary level. We will proceed "collegially"—with a high degree of interaction in a seminar format. The ultimate goal is to present your research paper at a conference after the conclusion of the course. Some of your papers may also be suitable for submission to student and professional journals.
Goals To gain an overview and solid understanding of Shakespeare's four genres or "modes." To deepen your understanding of Shakespeare's historical/cultural/literary situation by reading background information and original documents. To enhance your understanding of critical approaches to Shakespeare by reading and reporting on articles from a wide variety of theoretical perspectives. To do all of the above largely through active discussion with your classmates. To produce a paper at (or approaching) a level suitable for a professional or graduate student conference. See also goals for the M.A. program at
Texts You may use any text of Shakespeare’s plays that has footnotes and line numbers. No e-books. I ordered Bevington’s anthology, but you are welcome to use paperbacks or library copies. The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare: An Introduction with Documents, 2 nd ed. Shakespeare: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory
Course Requirements Option #1: Anyone may elect this option, but it is especially appropriate for those who wish to go on to a Ph.D. program. 50%: Paper proposal (1-2 pages), New Critical paper (5+ pages), annotated bibliography (15+ sources), researched sentence outline reflecting a critical perspective (5+ pages), full researched draft (12+ pages) 20%: Final draft with conference abstract 20%: Class participation/presentations 10%: Final examination
Option #2 Option #2: This is an option only for those who are or will be high school English teachers. 50%: Stages of a Shakespeare lesson plan (to be worked out in consultation with me on the model at 0Plan.htm 0Plan.htm 20%: Completed lesson plan 20%: Class participation/presentations 10%: Final examination
Due Dates I use a “due by” system: deadlines are final, but you are welcome to turn your work in early (as a draft if you wish). I strongly encourage revision and will reward you for starting early and rethinking your work in light of my comments.
Format for Papers Use Courier New 12-point. Use black print on one side of the page. Staple your work. Every paper should have a list of works cited. Use MLA format correctly. Note: I will not read work that appears in any font other than Courier New 12-point. “Courier” is not Courier New.
Calendar of Assignments It is set up in columns: –Readings in Shakespeare –Readings in The Bedford Companion –Readings in the anthology of criticism –Writing assignments Notes: –We will spend one or two weeks per play. –We’re reading straight through The Bedford Companion. –Your presentation assignments are already posted on the course home page.
Assignment for Next Week Finish reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream Read chapter one in The Bedford Companion Read articles 1, 6, and 8 by Schoenbaum, Frye, and Barber, respectively –Schoenbaum: –Frye: –Barber: Your paper proposal is due. We will divide our time between the play, Shakespeare’s life, and the criticism.
What To Do in Your Oral Presentations Assume that people have read the article and gained a basic understanding of it. Highlight and reinforce the author’s main points by directing us to key passages. Ask a question or two about these passages and lead a brief discussion. Be able to relate your article to the play that we are discussing. How does the criticism enhance our understanding of the play? Construct a 1-page (2-sided) handout and bring enough copies for your classmates (I will do the photocopying if you get me a hardcopy in time). It should begin with an abstract of the article. Other things to include are as follows: –Outline –Passages/quotations –Questions for discussion –You may also want to use the elements of critical thinking to analyze the article. You could incorporate some of these in your abstract and/or outline. See The Logic of an Article.The Logic of an Article Alternative means of presentation are possible, like a fun game, a quiz, a “chalk” talk, on open outline. Do not read your handout to the class.
A Word More About Format I have set up the course and will present you with problems and questions. Beyond that, this course is YOUR responsibility: YOUR oral participation is the main event. I will make presentations from time to time, but they will be fairly brief. My main job is to set up critical problems and to function as your facilitator and resource.
Tonight Discussion of paper topics Handouts for next week Watch video and discuss MSND, act 1. –Passages in 1.1 –Key concepts in 1.1 –Range of critical approaches to 1.1 –Connections between 1.1 and 1.2