Safety and Health Topics for Students in the Workforce Dr. Doug Ullrich Sam Houston State University
Work-Based Learning As the teacher you are still responsible for their safety and health…. Even though they are NOT under your direct observation.
Class TIME!!! Beginning of the semester Safety and Health issues to the industry as a whole Safety and Health issues related to their specific job
Safety Topics to cover Tool, Equipment, Machinery Horticulture / Greenhouse Animal, Plant and BioHazards Electrical Fire Chemical Hunter, Boater & Angler Work Related Issues OSHA and other regulatory agencies
Require Student Acknowledgement Safety Contracts Student expectations and responsibilities Possible dangers Disciplinary actions possible Signatures Student AND PARENT Teacher Administrator Business Cooperator / BOSS
Consent-to-use Form Contract with Parents Lists all equipment, tools, etc. that the student will use Lists safety education taught to students, etc. Signatures
Safety Tests True and False tests are NOT acceptable A mixture of multiple choice, short answer, fill-in-the-blank, skills demonstration are necessary 100% Mastery – anything less is NOT acceptable
Safety Tests [continued] Test/Retest Policy – if a student does not get the required 100% on the safety exam you MUST reteach and retest for the missed items or improperly performed skills. Example: Douggy missed a question on the exam covering eye safety and eye protection. If you do not retest and he injures his eye while on the job you AND HIS BOSS can be held responsible for failing to properly train him in eye safety issues.
Post General Safety Rules for Your Facility and the Workplace Posters listing general rules should be located in several areas of the classroom/lab. Posters should be NEW. Every piece of equipment should have rules posted on it or near it. Cleanup schedule should be posted. Emergency numbers should be posted. Evacuation routes should be posted. Discipline plan for safety violations should be written and posted.
Enforce Safety Rules Discipline plan for safety violations should be written and posted. Every safety violation should be documented in student folder and gradebook. Reteach / Retest following every safety violation This must be reinforced at the Workplace
Conduct Safety Inspections Teacher inspection Administrator inspection Insurance Agency inspection Fire Marshall inspection Bring in other professionals Remember you are responsible if these inspections are not completed and documented
Establish Emergency Procedures Post evacuation routes Post emergency phone numbers Rehearse emergency response Teach basic first aid Practice safety procedures
Maintain First Aid Kit Should be checked periodically Keep well stocked
Document Safety Instruction Lesson Plans Grade Books Teach / Reteach should be documented All tests, release forms should be kept on file All facility inspections should be documented and correction or repairs completed and documented
Keep Equipment/Tools in Good Condition When something breaks it should be tagged out and NOT used Make repairs / replacement immediately Most teachers are NOT skilled enough to make major repairs. Be careful with electrical repairs and instillation. Use an electrician!
Ensure Safety Daily Check everything daily Be Alert! Too many kids?? Alert Administration Develop grouping system to limit numbers in lab facility. Too many hazards at job site? Any potentially hazards MUST be addressed immediately!
Report and Investigate ALL Accidents All injuries must be documented Usually the school nurse will handle this Document the injury, equipment or tool used and the correction needed. If the equipment or tool was the cause of the injury repair and document immediately.
Supervise Students The teacher is responsible! The teacher must be in the facility to monitor students. NOT in the office! If a substitute teacher is monitoring the class he/she should NOT be allowed to take students into the laboratory unless they are certified in that field or have special training. Enforce rules fairly. Do not overlook or ignore any violation.
Sexual Harassment? You must address it immediately!
Model Safe Behavior The teacher is the role model. Everything the teacher does MUST follow all safety rules and procedures. The teacher is the key to a clean, well- organized and safe facility. The teacher sets the tone for a good safety climate.
Secure Liability Insurance Someday you may need it! If the injury is remotely due to the teachers negligence most school districts will not support the teacher. $1 million is not enough Be a member of your professional organization!