PUSD Site Administrator Evaluation SY 13/14 Governing Board Presentation May 23, 2013 Dr. Heather Cruz, Deputy Superintendent
Presentation Overview Legislative History The Peoria Unified Journey New Required Legislation Process Recommended Changes Next Steps
Arizona Revised Statutes § (A)(38) The State Board of Education shall…”on or before December 15, 2011 adopt and maintain a model framework for a teacher and principal evaluation instrument that includes quantitative data on student academic progress that accounts for between thirty-three percent and fifty percent of the evaluation outcomes and best practices for professional development and evaluator training. School districts and charter schools shall use an instrument that meets the data requirements established by the State Board of Education to annually evaluate individual teachers and principals beginning in school year 2012 – 2013.”
ADE Adopted Model Framework ADE Adopted Model Framework for Educator Effectiveness April, 2011 Evaluation tool must be: Rubric-based Tied to Leadership Standards ISLLC: Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium 33% to 50% of the evaluation must be based on student achievement data PUSD began to make the shift in evaluation practices in SY 12/13
Overview of the Peoria Model 50% of total score Professional Practices – Implemented 12/13 Self-Evaluation Goals Reflection Rubric Components Aligned to ISLLC Standards Professional Expectations 50% of total score Student Achievement Data
Data – 50/50 50% - All possible valid and reliable data required Same rubric-based process as teachers Reflects their responsibility for ALL learning on their campus Surveys are also required Parent Teacher Climate (administration) 50% - Professional Practices
Recommended Change for 13/14 Aligns final Performance Classifications to ADE required framework Current Unsatisfactory Developing Proficient Excelling Will remain the same in Domains 1-4 Proposed for 13/14 Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective Required by SB 2823
Next Steps Committee will reconvene in the fall to analyze the data and make necessary adjustments to instrument A full cycle is needed to see if the current model has the desired result Changes will be procedural
9 Questions