Beyond Textbooks Inservice: Reteach & Enrich ** District Name **
Welcome & Introductions Today’s Presenters:
Bellwork: What is your experience with Reteach and Enrich? Please discuss this question & be ready to share out.
Today’s Agenda Welcome, Introductions, Review of Agenda Purpose of Reteach and Enrich Implementation Data-driven placements Grouping/Rotating Students Challenges/Questions Create an action plan Closure
Inservice Objectives Review the purpose of Reteach and Enrich Share nuances for implementation Discuss the implementation of Reteach & Enrich at your school/district
Reteach/Enrich Essential Questions By the end of the training, we hope you have answers to these important questions: What is Reteach/Enrich? How can Reteach and Enrich increase student achievement?
The 4 Questions to Ask - DuFour Why Reteach and Enrich? The 4 Questions to Ask - DuFour 1. Exactly what is it we want all students to learn? 2. How will we know when each student has acquired the essential knowledge and skills? 3. What happens in our school when a student does not learn? 4. What happens in our school when a student meets proficiency?
Why Reteach and Enrich?
Why Reteach and Enrich?
Why Reteach and Enrich?
How does Reteach Improve Achievement? Additional TIME to focus on areas of need Focus on ONE Essential Standard Smaller class size & a different teacher = more one-on-one support & lessons delivered in a different way
Without Reteach Opportunities we get this...
Or on days when this happens, what do we do?
How does Enrich Improve Achievement? More time to explore the standard Pre-teaching of skills More students exceed on AIMS Instruction at a higher level of rigor
We’ve got to meet the needs of our individuals!
Please discuss this question and be ready to share Think: What is the purpose of reteach & enrich? Please discuss this question and be ready to share
Today’s Agenda Welcome, Introductions, Review of Agenda Purpose of Reteach and Enrich Implementation Data-driven placements Grouping/Rotating Students Challenges/Questions Create an action plan Closure
Implementation Essential Questions: What are implementation steps to think about for Reteach/Enrich? How would this look at your school?
Key Steps to Implementation Cycle on the Curriculum Calendar Choose a subject to focus on for R/E Determine time in schedule Set up guidelines
1. Cycle on the Curriculum Calendars Example Reteach/Enrich Schedule November Reteach/Enrich Based on Formative Data from Previous Week
1. Cycle on the Curriculum Calendars Example Reteach/Enrich Schedule December Reteach/Enrich Based on Formative Data from Previous Week Administer Benchmark Test Reteach/Enrich Based on Benchmark Data
2. Choose a Subject for Reteach/Enrich Consistent school-wide Area of greatest need Math or Reading
3. Find TIME in the Schedule
Take a look at your schedule
Take a look at your schedule
Take a look at your schedule
Take a look at your schedule
4. Create Consistent Guidelines
Other Important Pieces May use peer tutors to assist in classes Students exit reteach upon showing mastery
Involving Specialists & Parapros at Elementary Teaching roles assigned based on strengths of teachers Schedule must be set up so specialists and paras know where to report regularly Have Reteach/Enrich at same time (or not) across campus. * Specialists can have small classes of Reteach kids in other areas (planning done by content teacher). * Those less experienced can work with younger grade levels
Planning Time With your group, discuss the following topics: 1. When in your schedule will you have reteach/enrich and what subject will you focus on during this time? 2. Using the examples, brainstorm some guidelines for reteach/enrich.
Today’s Agenda Welcome, Introductions, Review of Agenda Purpose of Reteach and Enrich Implementation Data-driven placements Grouping/Rotating Students Challenges/Questions Create an action plan Closure
Beginning of the Year Week 2: Focus on rules/procedures and relationships with students Week 3: Start reteach/enrich based on formative data
Remainder of the Year: Driven by Formative and/or Benchmark Data Options: Formative data to place students every other week Benchmark data to place students for the first two weeks of every quarter Fluid movement depending upon individual needs
Formative-Driven Reteach Give formatives... analyze data 0-3 out of 5 = RETEACH 4-5 out of 5 = ENRICH Determine who will teach what Develop new lessons Administer parallel formative
TWO Formatives on the BT Wiki
Benchmark-Driven Reteach/Enrich Less than 75% on Benchmark, go to Reteach Reteach low standards and retest students Enrich students do higher level skills from standards on Benchmark
Grading Reteach CONSISTENT grading policy & weight of formatives for a school site Separate grade for class as a whole (middle/high school) Retest score replaces the original formative score or Benchmark score(take highest score)
discuss the following topics: 2. What will your grading policies be? Planning Time With your group, discuss the following topics: 1. What data will you focus on to drive your reteach & enrich grouping? 2. What will your grading policies be?
Today’s Agenda Welcome, Introductions, Review of Agenda Purpose of Reteach and Enrich Implementation Data-driven placements Grouping/Rotating Students Challenges/Questions Create an action plan Closure
Organizing Reteach Groups Teachers create list of who will attend reteach based on formative data Attendance Check-in Student Passes Rotate to designated location
Tracking Data Track data throughout multiple retests & assessments to monitor student progress
Results... Increase Student Achievement!! 39%, to 75%, to 89%!!
Data Collection - Formatives
discuss the following topics: Planning Time With your group, discuss the following topics: 1. How will you group your students, and when will this grouping occur? 2. How will you capture your student data, and when will this be collected each week?
Today’s Agenda Welcome, Introductions, Review of Agenda Purpose of Reteach and Enrich Implementation Data-driven placements Grouping/Rotating Students Challenges/Questions Create an action plan Closure
Challenges of Reteach & Enrich Time When can you fit this in to your schedule? Lesson Planning What will students (in MS and HS) do who do not go to reteach? Master Schedule How can you build an advisory time period into your high school schedule?
Teacher communication on student placement & lesson planning When will this occur? Difficulties in finding students A class roster can be created...otherwise, office staff needs flexibility Students rotating from advisory to their designated class on time
Please discuss this question & be prepared to share Think: What are some additional challenges you foresee with incorporating reteach and enrich? Please discuss this question & be prepared to share
Other Implementation Considerations
Monitor & Adjust Time to reflect on the process Keep it hot on the agenda in team meetings Communication is key to the process
Monitor & Adjust What happens when the data is low? 1st Diagnose: Is it materials, is it instruction, is it management, is it relationships, blips vs. trends 2nd Diagnose: What skills need to be retaught based on the data? 3rd Diagnose: What materials are appropriate for instruction?
Lesson Planning Examples
Lesson Planning Examples
Lesson Planning Examples
Lesson Planning Examples
Reteach and Enrich--planning at the right level of rigor
Reteach Reteach--planning/teaching at DOK levels 1 and 2 Examples: identify, define, recognize, graph, compare, categorize, etc.
Enrich--planning/teaching at DOK levels 3 and 4 Examples: formulate, cite evidence, develop a logical argument, analyze, create, etc.
Planning Time With your group, discuss the following topics: 1. When will you meet to discuss your formative & benchmark data? 2. How will you and your team work together to plan reteach & enrich lessons?
Today’s Agenda Welcome, Introductions, Review of Agenda Purpose of Reteach and Enrich Implementation Data-driven placements Grouping/Rotating Students Challenges/Questions Create an action plan Closure
Throughout our time today you... Determined the purpose of reteach/enrich Identified a content area to focus on Brainstormed Guidelines/Expectations for staff Determined when it can fit in the schedule Determined where reteach will be held Brainstormed how to group students for classes Determined grading guidelines & how to capture data Identified potential challenges of reteach & enrich
Other Planning Items to Consider When will you begin reteach/enrich? When will you have time each week to meet as a grade level to group students? When will you have time each week to plan reteach & enrichment lessons? ** Take this time to continue to create your action plan & discuss the items above. Refer to page 19 in your handouts for these action plan items. **
** Think Time: Share with a neighbor ** Closure What do you look forward to in implementing reteach and enrich? What do you think this can potentially do for your students’ achievement and confidence as learners? ** Think Time: Share with a neighbor **