For pregnant teens in HS parenting programs, do attitudes, social norms, perceived control predict continuation in high school? P: Pregnant teens,15-17, currently attending a teen parent high school I: Attitudes, perceived control, social norms and intention O: Continuation in HS after birth of child
Theory of Planned Behavior Demographics TBP Construct s Intention predicts behavior Outcome AgeSN School successPCIntentionBehavior SES GPA Fx Hx Attitude
Research Design Qualitative Questionnaire Development Prospective, Descriptive Correlational 7 sites (urban, rural, ethnic mix) Convenience sample: 65 pregnant teens Administered a written questionnaire between weeks Measured school attendance from 4-6 weeks postpartum
IV and DV Variables Independent variables: Demographics Attitude, social norms, perceived control, intention Dependent variable: Continuation in school: # of days from 4- 6 weeks
Participants: 65 Pregnant Adolescents in Teen Parent Programs Means: age: 16.12, GPA: 2.04, age/grade lag:.17, Grade: 10.8, FOB/MOB age difference: 3.17 year Percentage: AA (13%), Hispanic (42%), Caucasian (45%). Refusal rate: 2% Attrition: 6% (fetal demise, diagnosis of CA) 7 Sites: Relationship of demographics to school attendance: site, ethnicity, SES, age, grade, GPA P values: Was I happy?
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: In a teen parent HS program 1 st baby Aged Going to keep baby Speaks and reads English Won’t graduate in next 6 months
Psychometrics: Development of Questionnaire: Validity 48 adolescent mothers: 32 in school, 16 had dropped out Themes developed Feedback from participants on questions Face validity: “experts” Content validity: Used TPB constructs based on interviews written mothers
Questionnaire Reliability Stability: test-retest Homogeneity: Cronbach’s alpha: Perceived Control, Attitude, Social Norm, Intention subscales r = Interrater reliability: 2 data collectors No inconsistencies in data collection instruments
Questionnaire Reliability 72 items on questionnaire Likert scale: evenly spaced Response set bias: Some positive, some negative; Took minutes to complete Test-Retest: Okay 4 practice questions related to eating at McDonald’s Paper and pencil 6 questions on a page
Internal Validity: Controlling It! History? Took place over 9 months Maturation? Selection? convenience sample. Refusal rate: 2%; demographics the same among sites. Mortality: 6% attrition for unforeseen reasons (fetal demise and cancer)
External Validity: Who can I generalize to? Refusal rates? 2% Interactive effect of setting & IV? Interaction of history & IV? Hawthorne effect? I can generalize to…? Who were the participants?