Online Fidelity in Mathematics Martin Kollman
Online Fidelity in K-6 Online material and assessment programs provide successful fidelity for teachers and elementary students in mathematics. Online programs offer a profound understanding of fundamental mathematics that incorporate both expertise in mathematics and an understanding of how to communicate with students. Online programs assist in achieving higher levels of retention in mathematics, based on Kansas standards, than traditional classroom pedagogy and assessment.
Online Learning Mathematics Students who used computer-based instruction scored at the 64th percentile compared to students in the control conditions without computers who scored at the 50th percentile. Students on average learn 5% - 12% more in less time. Students generally develop positive attitudes towards learning with computer- based instruction than without. James Kulik (1994)
BAIP – Math (K-12) Affects grades 3 – school districts 3,777 students with IEPs (K-12 enrollment — 452,908 in 2008) 276 research-based lessons 417 online student tutorials Currently only State of Kansas
Sample Two Kansas Schools 3 yr participants: Mulvane and Olathe Rural (5,500) vs. Suburban (92,962) Representative Student Body Gender Race SES Achievement
Fidelity - Teachers Transference from BAIP to Teacher Access – System, lessons, tutorials Patterns in usage Retest tutorials Survey and interview teachers who accessed lessons and used tutorials Popular items Uses in classroom Observed effect on teaching strategy Observed effect on student learning Enrichment/Special Needs
Fidelity - Student Outcome Scores on KS standardized tests Scores on tutorials Access to BAIP System Attitudinal Survey Tutorial Test & Retest
Student Demographics Gender Race SES Time enrolled at school Students with disabilities Students with enrichment
Kansas Elementary Students Look at both students below and above basic Math Only 11% of KS students perform below at 4 th grade vs. 18% national Students report 18% less anxiety in computer-base instruction. 3 rd & 4 th grade student have an overall 3.9 rating out of 5 being most positive with online BAIP tutorials. Data Provided by: National KIDS COUNT Program (2000)
Next Steps Continue to confer with eDL staff on existing data collected through system access. Review previous teacher attitudinal survey Review previous student tutorial attitudinal surveys Develop teacher new attitudinal survey for sample schools.