Branding Through Imagery Originally Presented by Maya Bourdeau Study Session Facilitators: Amy Ivey & Dohnia Dorman
Four Basic Principles for Branding 1.To conduct image based research 2.Test and retest sensory cues 3.Choose ideas for emotional power above all else 4.Work within the consumer’s frame
Understanding Subconscious Cues We make decisions subconsciously. Our subconscious speaks in imagery, metaphor and stories. Words describe our thoughts. Words are not our thoughts.
Principle 1: Conducting Image Based Research Consider the value of qualitative over quantitative research. Qualitative research requires smaller samples that quantitative. Hold one-on-one interviews instead of focus groups. Ask for imagery and metaphor. Interview 6-12 people for generalization and to discover commonalities.
Principle 2: Test and Retest Sensory Cues Test and retest in smaller rounds. Test sensory cues in ads to get the greatest emotional impact. Test early and test cheaply.
Principle 3: Choose Ideas for Emotional Power Emotionally rewarding campaigns outperform rational, information-based campaigns. Recall the “evoked set” (the top few brands that come to your mind for a particular product). The financial sector combines emotional power and rational power in its advertising.
Principle 4: Work Within Consumers’ Frame It’s important to understand a person’s frame of reference and work within it. Use the consumer’s emotional experience. Add simple, positive solutions for the consumer when you use negative messaging.