Information Night January 2015 Theresa Spiering, Counselor Riverland Community College Kate Edwards, Counselor Albert Lea High School
What is Post Secondary Enrollment Options? Definition: “PSEO is a Minnesota state program *that allows advanced high school students to take college-level courses while still in high school. Eligible juniors and seniors take courses that earn both high school and college credit at the same time, for the same courses. These courses also apply toward high school class rank and high school graduation”.
Who can be a PSEO student? Must be classified as a junior or senior ( school year). Sophomores who qualify, can take a Career Technical class. Must meet the entrance requirements for a PSEO student: Seniors: Must rank in top 50% of class (current juniors) Juniors: Must rank in top 33% of class (current sophomores) Must score at college level reading on the Accuplacer Test - 78 minimum score for ENGL 1101 Freshman English 63 minimum score for other Liberal Arts classes To take Math classes, must score at college level on Accuplacer
How do you continue as a PSEO student? Attend classes regularly and do well! Meet college Satisfactory Progress requirements: 2.0 GPA and 67% completion rate for all credits
What are some advantages of PSEO? Academic challenge Variety of courses and many career options Credits count at both college and high school Students can still participate in all high school activities and athletics - MSHSL rules apply Students who earn 30+ credits of PSEO/concurrent can save between $5000 and $40,000 The State of Minnesota pays for the tuition and books for PSEO students
Experience post secondary education without leaving home Chance to be more independent Get a head start on a degree – especially helpful for those going into professions requiring advanced degrees Possibly earn a degree before graduating
Things to consider “Is this option in your best interests?” Scheduling and School Calendars are not the same: Part-time PSEO can be challenging Faculty expectations: Adult behavior Grading may mean 2 or 3 exams and a research paper/project – No late work accepted. No reminders. No extra credit. No excuses for “not knowing.” Additional class supplies are not covered – such as art supplies, cosmetology kits, tools Transportation not covered Get a good start on college and take classes seriously.
Freedom and Responsibility ~ Attendance is important! You need to attend every class! Regular attendance is the number one strategy for student success! Can you handle the increased free time? 15 – 16 hours of class per week, rather than full days at high school. Rule of thumb – for every hour of class, spend two hours on homework This is not a time to increase employment hours Are you independent and self-motivated?
What are your next steps? Class rank requirements met? Find application materials on the Riverland website: Choose Admissions/ PSEO/Applying for PSEO Download the application materials Make an appointment with your high school counselor, complete all the paperwork and get all signatures – student, parent and high school counselor or principal
Deadline for all PSEO paperwork to be finished and mailed to Riverland: Monday, August 1 HOWEVER: High School counselors aren’t available in the summer. College Counselor availability is limited. The earlier you sign up for classes, the better your options are because classes fill up. BEST to apply and register for classes EARLY!! Registration for PSEO can begin April 22 nd.
After Acceptance letter arrives: 1. Register for and take the college readiness assessment (Accuplacer) if you have not yet done so. - Go to Riverland website: choose StudentServices/Accuplacer/Register 2. Register for and attend PSEO on-campus orientation - Go to Riverland website: - choose Admissions/PSEO/PSEO orientation - At the orientation, you will be scheduled to see a Riverland counselor to register for classes at a later date.
But wait - what if you do not meet the accuplacer test requirements? Make arrangements to “retest”. There is a fee of $20.00 to retest. You may only retest once in an academic year. Register for the test on the Riverland website under Student Services/Accuplacer Practice tests are available on the R.C.C. website under Admissions/Accuplacer/Preparing for Accuplacer An ACT score can replace the Accuplacer. Ask for qualifying scores.
Final thoughts… You only have one chance to be a high school student – you can go to college forever! Questions? Theresa Spiering, Counselor Riverland Community College – direct line – appointments