Getting Ready for Next Year 7 th & 8 th Grade Getting Ready for Next Year 7 th & 8 th Grade
Student Services & Guidance 2 Mr. Jeff Kowatch Director of Student Services Mrs. Deb Graf Director of Guidance
Student Services & Guidance Roles 3 Mr. Kowatch: Academic Records Transcripts Work Permits Testing School Safety AP/Dual Credit/Online Courses Report Cards Attendance Mrs. Graf: Academic Guidance Class Scheduling Career Planning College Planning Well-Being Counseling Discipline Internship
Graduation Requirements Core 40 Diploma 42 credits Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma 47 credits 3.0 GPA No semester grade below a 72% AP, Dual-Credit, or SAT/ACT Scores 4
Core 40 Requirements 5 Bible - 8 credits English - 8 Credits Math credits Science - 6 credits Social Studies - 6 credits PE / Health - 3 credits (PE 1, PE 2) Directed Electives - 5 credits
Academic Honors Diploma Requirements 6 Bible - 8 credits English - 8 Credits Math - 8 credits Science - 6 credits (8 credits if on Val/Sal track) Social Studies - 6 credits PE / Health - 3 credits (PE 1, PE 2) Fine Arts - 2 credits Spanish - 6 credits continued.....
Additional Academic Honors Requirements 7 4 AP credits, or 6 dual college credits, or 2 AP credits and 3 dual college credits, or Specific Scores on SAT and/or ACT tests Valedictorian and Salutatorian have additional requirements
Diploma & Math Options Academic Honors Option 1 8 th : Ac Algebra I 9 th : Ac Geometry 10 th : Ac Algebra II 11 th : Pre-Calculus 12 th : Calculus or Quant. Reasoning 8 Core 40 Option 8 th : Pre-Algebra 9 th : Algebra I 10 th : Geometry 11 th : Algebra II 12 th : Pre-Calculus or Quant. Reasoning Academic Honors Option 2 8 th : Pre-Algebra 9 th : Ac Algebra I 10 th : Ac Geometry 11 th : Ac Algebra II 12 th : Pre-Calculus
Which 8 th grade Math course? Academic Algebra Confident with math skills Capable of moving at a faster pace Self-motived to “figure it out” Understands that math will have DAILY homework Ready for high school responsibilities Can handle time pressure during tests 9
Pre-Algebra Student does “OK” in math, but not ready to “skip a grade” Student struggles with basic math skills (fact tables, fractions) Parent helps with math homework on a regular basis Student scores well on homework, but not on tests. This may indicate that the student is getting too much help from others, but doesn’t really understand the math. 10 Which 8 th grade Math course?
Math Credits / Quantitative Reasoning Courses Senior Year: Must take a math course or a quantitative reasoning course Quantitative reasoning courses: Accounting Economics AP Biology Chemistry AP Chemistry AP Calculus ICP Physic s 11
Testing 12 9th: Howard WorkStyles Inventory (personality profile in the workplace) 10th: PLAN (practice ACT) 10th and 11th: PSAT (practice SAT) 11th: ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)
Testing, cont. 13 End of Course Assessments (ECA) Algebra I: (required to pass for graduation, retest offered 2x’s/yr.) English 10: (required to pass for graduation, retest offered 2x’s/yr.) Biology: (not required to pass, only take if finishing Biology class during the year)
Grade Point Average 14 Important Academic Honors Diploma requires overall 3.0 GPA Colleges look at GPA’s Class rank is determined by percentage average
Create File for Student 15 Keep important papers together Report cards Test scores: PLAN, PSAT, Howard WorkStyles, ASVAB, ECA information Transcripts
Begin with the End in Mind Think about your future: Career path Education goals Take the right classes Meet requirements Challenge yourself Get good grades
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